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What to add in a quarantine tank?

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  • SRC Member

hi all, this is related to my previous thread (Ich...damn this parasite)

after hearing advises from senior reefers and much consideration.i decided to set up a quarantine tank.... :cry:

my queries again:

1) how huge should it be? must it be able to hold as much water as my main tank?

2) if no LR and sand should be added, how should i control my ammonia, nitrite and nitrate bio load)?

3) must there be strong water flow like my main tank?

4) skimmer will be used but what other filteration method should i add to it? (polyfilters, carbon?)

5) i will reduce my SG and no fan will be used to cool the water, in case my fishes introduce parasites into my quarantine tank.

6) should i used lightings in my quarantine tank? i will leave my corals in my main tank...only transport the fishes into the quarantine tank

7) any other additives to use? phosguard, nutrafin cycle?

8) will be feeding them food soaked in minced garlic, will that be sufficient?or would garlic extreme be recommended.....

9) should be quarantining them for at least 1mth, should it be longer?or is 1mth definitely enuf to clear all parasite from my main tank?

pls comment strongly, i will deeply appreciate all remarks and advises


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  • SRC Member

I suppose it depends on what is your purpose. If it's a hospital tank, then it's temp only and u would use medication in it. But if it's for new fishes, then it's parameters & content shld be sufficient for just that one fish until it can be introduced into the main tank.

I believe for whatever purpose, QT shld have LR and sand and the paramaters shld be similar to the main tank. This is to save the fish from shock when it's released into the main tank. N yes, lots of hiding place is desirable.

I think the main purpose of QT is to ensure that new fishes do not carry diseases into the main tank. When it's introduced into the main tank, you probably have to "quarantine" it within, depending on species to allow acclimatisation by both the new fish as well as existing tankmates in order to reduce bullying as much as possible.

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  • SRC Member

HI there!

from what I know and practice, QT tank should not be too large and is not for too many fish. It's purpose is to observe a new fish for a few weeks before intoducing it to the main tank or to isolate a fish or two which seem to be developing symptoms of a disease.

The set up should be a simple as possible for ease of handling and cleaning:

-Small tank (10 to 10 gall) easy to make high percentage water change and easy to clean well thouroughly when there was a disease in the tank.

- No sand and no LR as they are very hard to clean to eliminate parasites between two events. Plus toxic elements from medication can build up in them.

-For hiding places use some PVC pipes like T junctions or elbows. These are easy to clean well between uses.

- Filter can be as simple as a sponge filter or one of these hang on filters. You must just make sure that the filtering media you use is not new and already colonised by some bacteria (you can take some stuff from your sump (or canister filter) or you can leave the spunge in the sump for about two weeks to get it colonised. This bacteria should help to a certain extend with the amonia and the nitrites. But you will need to make regular water changes.

I hope you can find some useful info from this!

good luck! ;)

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