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Brown Jelly Disease

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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

any reefer have any success to fight BJD for your LPS?

Desktop research seem to suggest iodine and Lugol treatment.

Below is what I have read in ReefCentral:

Goniopara treatment:

Tools and chemical,
- one small container,
- Small clean paint brush (new – rinse with fresh water)
- KENT MARINE – Tech –D (Expert Series)
- White latex free gloves.

1. Make the solution in the container using Kent tech –D and water from aquarium accordingly with Kent instructions.
2. Put on white gloves
3. Take out coral from the aquarium hold in hand over the small container.
4. Use the small brush and start cleaning coral from death tissue using some 100% Kent Tech – D solution only on the infected area.
5. Then spill 100% Kent Solution directly from bottle into the wound ( the death or infected tissue has to be cleaned other way the infection will return)
6. Hold the coral all the time outside over the small container repeat the number 5 couple time about 4 -5 min.
7. After that put coral into small container and clean it with the small brush only the infected area.
8. After 6 min of bath no longer take out coral and rinse over the sing using aquarium tank water.
9. Put the coral into aquarium, in front of the power head, expose the infected area directly into power head flow. Strong flow will remove death and disinfected tissue.
10. after 4-5 min put the coral into permanent location in the tank.
11. Check coral every 12h if the infection will return after 24 repeat the treatment until you succeed.
12. My goniopora was 100% cured after 2 treatments, in 3 days after treatment is nice and healthy again.


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  • SRC Member

I couldn't get hold of the Kent Marine product and got the Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure instead. I think it is a iodine based solution.

Followed the dosage instruction with the recommended amt of tank water extracted in a small pail and dipped my gonopora in it for 10 mins. Then I took a small toothbrush and brushed off the brown jelly off the affected area in the pail of treatment solution. After which, I rinsed the treated coral with a pail of tap water. Then repeated the rinse again with another fresh supply of tap water. The rinse is done by just dipping the coral in and gave a few shake and removed.
Then I place the coral back into the tank. It was stressed with the treatment as all of them shrunk back into the skeleton body. 
But it returned to its normal self the next day.

The brown jelly was not totally terminated as I observed there was a bit left on the 2nd day after treatment. I decided to let the coral rest for another day and I repeated the same treatment on the 4th day.

5th day, my gonopora back to usual self and no more brown jelly was observed.

10th day, no more brown jelly and no other loss of fishes and corals.

This works for me!!!

A picture of my recovered gono. The botak patch was the affected area previously

My Gono.jpg

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