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  • SRC Member

Yo... starting this thread to monitor my progress...

As most of you bros are aware, I gotten my keys to my new house and am currently embarking on house renovation... part of the reno include a wall partition between the kitchen and living room (TV lounge area)....

The setup will be a FOWLR setup. Now in the process of getting quotes from cabinet/tank makers....

I will need advice on equipment requirements and lots and lots of help. Was into 2' cube nano tank... this time round, I am going into the big boy's league... hehe :D

What equipment do I need for FOWLR?

I thinking of T5 lightings, 2 tunze stream for flow, sump tank, refugium, auto top up,.... Waiting for cabinet/tank makers to give me design....

Also, I doubt I would need a chiller, would I?

Lastly, I have been advise to go for a denitrator... esp if I am into FOWLR... Sorry, never use it before, what exactly is that?

Also, please recommend some good brands for the equipment (e.g. denitrator, skimmer)...


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  • SRC Member

And this is for the fellow who thot I was just faking and trying to show off when I say earlier in the year that I am getting a new house and planning to get a 5' to 6' footer...


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  • SRC Member

This is a really really rough sketch made on my floor plan... Designer is now at work and doing the real sketch up.

Yellow area denote the new cabinet, blue shows where the tank will be, red & green are the kitchen stove/sink area.

There will be a drainage/water pipe in line extended from the bathroom to the tank to allow water top up and drainage.


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  • SRC Member

Yup. Flubberina has advised me on the danger of raised platform on the TV lounge area and the possiblity of seawater leaking into it....

To prevent this problem... we built a cement curb between the Tv lounge area and kitchen... kitchen flooring will be tiled...


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  • SRC Member
bro i think it will be smashing when its up :D

ur tank can be viewed from the kitchen too? :o  OMG r u renting a room out :P ?

btw bro y not go reef? ;)

No deep frying and stuff like this.... otherwise, the tankmaker say it is pretty alright...

Tank can be viewed from both the kitchen and TV sofa room...

With corals, the maintenance will be more taxing... With a longish tank, I can opt to either ditch the LRs and get two small sharks or make it a lion only tank... :evil::evil: or build two islands of live rocks and go for fishes only such as tangs, flame angel or school of anthias... wahhh...

With reef, I have to consider chiller... electricity shoot up... Metal halide... etc... etc... but when building the cabinet, such upgrades if wanted in the future, has been considered in the cabinet design...

suggestions, anyone?

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  • SRC Member

No deep frying and stuff like this.... otherwise, the tankmaker say it is pretty alright...

Tank can be viewed from both the kitchen and TV sofa room...

With corals, the maintenance will be more taxing... With a longish tank, I can opt to either ditch the LRs and get two small sharks or make it a lion only tank... :evil::evil: or build two islands of live rocks and go for fishes only such as tangs, flame angel or school of anthias... wahhh...

With reef, I have to consider chiller... electricity shoot up... Metal halide... etc... etc... but when building the cabinet, such upgrades if wanted in the future, has been considered...

Any suggestion, anyone?

i think very true... a small reef tank can be somewhat though to manage.... i magine a huge one like yours ;)

anywae all the best for ur tank!!! :D:peace:

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  • SRC Member

Actually, it is the reverse, the larger your tank, the more stable it is... and less fluctuations...

But for coral reefs, headache ah... dun wan to think so far yet... I love a FOWLR setup like those you see in CK Tang Clarins counter... I think they only have mushies the most...

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  • SRC Member

BTW, are t5s enough for a depth of 2ft? My tank is 2.5ft deep but planning for a 5" or 6" DSB..... FOWLR...

Is it kind of an overkill to have 6" DSB in my 6" x 2" main tank and another 6" DSB in my sump tank?

Lastly, what kind of coral is suitable if I am using t5s... those low maintenance and "hardy" ones... mushies?

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  • SRC Member

But since he doing a FOWLR, i think T5s will be good enough for his setup. Because he's not going for chiller also, the temp will be more or less control with some fans installed.

If he wanna upgrade to a reef setup, then he install a MH also can with those existing T5s complimenting on the MH. But of coz chiller will be a must have for reef of that tank size la.

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  • SRC Member

Bro, You believe in Feng Shui or not ? -- it is not advisable to have it opp your stove ...fire and water doesn't go together.

My brother-in-law is a famous feng Shui master in Singapore and south east asia. I consulted him before setting up my tank. :D abit kia see .....

If you don't believe in such a thing then forget about it ..

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I've read alil about fengshui...

What I know, I try to share... Basically, dun place ur stove (fire element) facing "water elements" e.g. fridges, fishtanks.

I've also heard that actually aquariums in one's room is a no-no. But it still depends on one's eight characters, and etc. But as fengshui is actually a science on harmonising nature with oneself, if it really makes one feel good about it (like me and me tank in my room, I believe it cools down the temp in my room making it more comfy!!! :D ), it can still be done. :P

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  • SRC Member
Bro, You believe in Feng Shui or not ? -- it is not advisable to have it opp your stove ...fire and water doesn't go together.

My brother-in-law is a famous feng Shui master in Singapore and south east asia. I consulted him before setting up my tank. :D abit kia see .....

If you don't believe in such a thing then forget about it ..


tell us more!!! :lol::lol:


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  • SRC Member

bro, try as much as possible to position ur tank on top of a structural beam or right beside a structural column.... u dont wanna end up with a hole in ur floor and a neighbor downstairs w an instant tank ;)..... just to be safe, not unless u r staying on ground floor....

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  • SRC Member

Not really beside a pillar or structural beam... but very near one...

As for fengshui... no lah... not believe in that... but thanks for the advice anyway. Regarding tank in room. That was what I did in my previous bachelor pad... Mom is a fengshui person. According to her, my old house not allow to have tanks except if it is in my room because of my eight character or something...

I wanted a 6"x2"x2.5" but also worried about weight.... staying on the third floor... what do u guys suggest? should I reduce the size or what?

The structure will be on chenggai wood.... or do u think I should use stainless steel metal frame for added support? This is my main worry...

Would the tankmaker be the one to consider this problem or would I have to advise him? LimHanTack came to my house and giving me some good advice on the setup....

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  • SRC Member

Back to my floor plan... do u think it will be a weight issue?

AT, Tanzy and other lao jiao.... I waiting for you all to advise leh....

the blue area is the tank... 6" x 2" x .25".... sigh... otherwise, i may have to relocate the tank liao.... sigh...


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  • SRC Member
Not really beside a pillar or structural beam... but very near one...

As for fengshui... no lah... not believe in that...  but thanks for the advice anyway.  Regarding tank in room.  That was what I did in my previous bachelor pad...  Mom is a fengshui person.  According to her, my old house not allow to have tanks except if it is in my room because of my eight character or something...

I wanted a 6"x2"x2.5"  but also worried about weight.... staying on the third floor...  what do u guys suggest?  should I reduce the size or what?

The structure will be on chenggai wood....  or do u think I should use stainless steel metal frame for added support?  This is my main worry...

Would the tankmaker be the one to consider this problem or would I have to advise him?  LimHanTack came to my house and giving me some good advice on the setup....

bro. I had a 6 X 2 X 2 full set up reef system some 5 years back and it was not even close to a structural beam of any sort and it was position as a divider between my living room and dining on the 12th floor as where I am living as of now. I also had another 5 X 2 X 2 dividing my main door to the dining....again it was placed away from a structural beam. One of the best reef tanks i ever had but had to give it up due to travelling issues.

now I have a 4 X 4 X 2 at the balcony resting on a structural beam instead..... :D

Hope it eases your worries..... ;)

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  • SRC Member

Maybe you can log in HDB's website or go to your branch office to query about the biggest limits for tank specs. :)

My take is that if you have to apply for permit, it may not be rosy as your tank is not near the beam if I remember the way HDB's floor plans are like. See the dark longish rectangles, there is one near the '4038' reading, these are the beam structures. However, you can consider downsizing and then no need to get permit lor. :rolleyes:

And also if you are using a softwood like teak near your tank, should consider conditioning it well so that it lasts longer... :rolleyes:

I also see a spot at your storeroom area if your flat is the 'hackable' type. :P

Hope I didn't sound too negative...bro. B)

My $0.02... :)

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  • SRC Member

I think all the kitchen oil and smoke will get into your tank. Not that it is harmful, just that I don't like that idea.


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