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FRAGGING OFF from saleable corals...


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Frankly, if corals can talk, I'll be able to find out! :P

I dunno... the chain starts from the collection point, transportation on the boat, placing in the tanks, packing it in bags, placing them in boxes for shipping, transportation bumps on the road to airport, poor handling at airport grounds & loading/unloading, custom checking, transport to shop, unpacking, customer handling, intentional 'mishandling'.... we really wouldn't know.

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well after gg tru collection point, transportation on the boat, placing in the tanks, packing it in bags, placing them in boxes for shipping, transporation bumps on the road to airport, poor handling at airport grounds & loading/unloading, custom checking, transport to shop, unpacking, customer handling, intentional 'mishandling'......... and the piece came in perfect sitting in the tank and some1 intentionally frag it........... it will be very sad

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he...he...thats a good one!..... :lol: yeah if only they can talk..... :lol: then all of this would be cleared

yeah imagine my brains keep on perstering me to find them in the middle of the night :o cannot lah sis :lol::lol::lol:

back to the topic.... hmmm hu else was there that faithful morning..... it was the one of the four tank nearest to the door or isstit the second one..... i came in at 730 and i notice the frags there alreadi.... so whom came in earlier then that if sis flub said some1 intentionally broke those frags.

let me guess..... the person should be buying or brosing through the sps

i know how we can resolve this... a no hands in the tank rule i doubt this "claimed" incident will ever happened again after tt cause there is no1 else to accuse besids the shopowner :rolleyes:

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still have no clue because certain questions were left unanswered....next time if I am going to any SPS rush....I am definitely bringing along my Digital Camera but would have to ask permission from the owners first in catching this culprit in action....pictures speak louder then words as what I was told.... ;)

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still have no clue because certain questions were left unanswered....next time if I am going to any SPS rush....I am definitely bringing along my Digital Camera but would have to ask permission from the owners first in catching this culprit in action....pictures speak louder then words as what I was told.... ;)

yup maybe there was even no culprit to bgin with :rolleyes: no proof :lol::lol::lol:

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yea... if this was really all just a misunderstanding then we've really wronged whoever u all are refering to man... just imagine getting accused and bombarded by disapproving comments and insults.. think this should stop unless u have concrete proof of the person committing this deed. If not it's really unethical to criticcise him/her... Who knows? maybe someone else accidentally dropped the piece and then place it back nicely without noticing that he broke a frag off then this guy just came in and saw the loose frag??? It's best not to jump to conclusions without any solid proof. The LFS owner didn't sweep for frags every single second right? so there is still a chance that other ppl accidentally drop the colony and broke off a frag by accident.. This guy could have just came in and saw this frag...

This could all just be a misunderstanding...... Unless..... you all saw him in action.... Otherwise I think we all owe him an apology. Criticising him/her before even getting all the facts right and understand the situation fully...

:peace: stop!

Live and Let Live

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The LFS owner clarified that "No One" fragged anything on that faithful day and I feel bad enough for him as well as the accused...for dragging their names in it. :(

him or her ;) we ought to be ashamed

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yea... if this was really all just a misunderstanding then we've really wronged whoever u all are refering to man... just imagine getting accused and bombarded by disapproving comments and insults.. think this should stop unless u have concrete proof of the person committing this deed. If not it's really unethical to criticcise him/her... Who knows? maybe someone else accidentally dropped the piece and then place it back nicely without noticing that he broke a frag off then this guy just came in and saw the loose frag??? It's best not to jump to conclusions without any solid proof. The LFS owner didn't sweep for frags every single second right? so there is still a chance that other ppl accidentally drop the colony and broke off a frag by accident.. This guy could have just came in and saw this frag...

This could all just be a misunderstanding...... Unless..... you all saw him in action.... Otherwise I think we all owe him an apology. Criticising him/her before even getting all the facts right and understand the situation fully...

:peace: stop!

duh! wat misunderstanding? no names are mentioned yet, wat apologies are we talking about? If no one intentionally frag to have it for free then we r just blabbing! If u feel that you have been wrongly accused or ur fragging action is by all means acceptable by your own set of values with a clear conscience, then either keep quiet about it and speak out for urself.

hey man this is my 3rd or 4th post in this matter liao..and i don't usually post....all i'm asking is the name of this son-of-a-rotten-frag! If you guys saw me doing some "unethical" acts just spell my name here clearly lar..i'll be glad be tell you my side of the "story"

the matter was very clear from post 1, let's not digress and "imagine" excuses to give that chap the benefit of doubt...Don't indulge in politicking just shoot the name and my skimmer will thank you for it!

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me?? shit how'd u find out!!damn..i can only afford to get a very small frag for FREE..cause my 7ft tank is so heavy i can't put in a whole colony..might crack my balcony.

comeon I'm definitely not the one..coz i wun just frag 1 tiny branch, a few would make the trip more worthwhile...anyway my tank is not a SPS tank!

I'm not upset..i'm just excited to meet a prospective millionaire! comeon think of the money this guy has saved due to this thriftiness!! don't forget he'll make my skimmer proud!

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I totally agree with raymond... unless u urself saw him/her doin it.... even if u did, it doesnt give anyone any right to judge :)

Bubble Gum, you meant when you actually see someone frag from the colonies on sale you should not even bring this up?

So just keep quiet then? huh?

Were you there on that day? No.

Was AP there on that day? No.

Did the LFS owner see someone frag from the colony? No.

So why are you making so much noise? You guilty is it?

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me?? shit how'd u find out!!damn..i can only afford to get a very small frag for FREE..cause my 7ft tank is so heavy i can't put in a whole colony..might crack my balcony.

comeon I'm definitely not the one..coz i wun just frag 1 tiny branch, a few would make the trip more worthwhile...anyway my tank is not a SPS tank!

at least you got the same situation as the balcony thingy......

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WOW!!! The regulars of AP's thread has descended upon this trifle thread of mine. Welcome...welcome... :peace:

Well, the two honorary bros and sis AP, thanks for your input. :peace:

Hermm...was there a conspiracy to begin with? :rolleyes: Well...shoot me...I'm an advocate for investigating conspiracy theories... :lol::lol::lol:

Guess, being the starter of the thread, shall I also be the one to finish it? Hey..mods...do I have this right? :P I beseech you...pls...grant me the rights. For I ask is only this teeny weeny thread of mine... :heh:

And for those who wanna add their two cents, kindly pls read from alpha to omega...otherwise I wouldn't know which engines of some vessels to disengage. :rolleyes:

Have I in any way, insinuate any names? :rolleyes: Was I naive to believe the lfs owner who told me? :rolleyes:

Come on...pls dun let this get out of proportion like what has transcended onto AP's threads. I would then choose to believe some lady who has told me that this is a man's world and lady reefers are not welcome... and the lady reefers will be 'attacked' at any instance... :cry:

I have to admit that I have met several reefers who have such 'superior' qualities in their characters that I have felt that I benefitted from their friendship.

Well, if there's really an apology to make, pls tell me...who is the one I should apologise to... A series of the imperial banquet is not what I can afford but a homecooked meal can be served in the pipeline... :P

The way, you guys have spoken, has set me ponder over several issues... :angel:

Unless you can get the person to pm me, otherwise, I guess you have not heard from the lfs in question and also you may be barking up the wrong tree. :D

Like I said, pls do read the earlier posts before commenting, I have already said LIFE has get on and the thread has run its course...the person has reflected. That entails some on my part too. :angel:

I would like to reiterate...

Why let the raindrops of this world bothers you so much that you can't see the rainbow that comes after it? B)

Peace to all...

Adios... :peace:

flubberina13. :)

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Bubble Gum, you meant when you actually see someone frag from the colonies on sale you should not even bring this up?

So just keep quiet then? huh?

Were you there on that day? No.

Was AP there on that day? No.

Did the LFS owner see someone frag from the colony? No.

So why are you making so much noise? You guilty is it?

after the LFS owner confirmed and CLARIFIED you still think there is a culprit? :blink:

I asked but my question went unanswered so would you know? :blink:

So did you or sis flub see......"NO"

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allow me to say something,maybe this case should close... it looks like its going no where, and soon becoming a personal attack to each other here..

come on, we all know its not correct to frag it and ask for free, and we all know we should not do that, to those who knows it and still do it.. even worst to mention his from SRC we can do nothing but to try and stop SRC name from going down the drain.

if things going out of hand, i believe boss will have to be busy again! do him a favour too alright? :)

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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after the LFS owner confirmed and CLARIFIED you still think there is a culprit? :blink:

I asked but my question went unanswered so would you know? :blink:

DID you get the right LFS in the first place?

Without knowing what is going on don't put one leg in :P

As for the digital camera part, save it.... the photos would be useless.... too blurr and noisy, can't see a thing :P

You also scared your balcony crack and drop down????

Oh well like Amy said we should look forward and not backwards.... :blink:

Well... if no one sees anything then there won't be this thread in the first place.

You're not even there and you just based your judgement as what you hear from others.... save it lar...

DID you AP see it or not? The answer is NO.

And I am going to tell you one more time I am not going to reveal who this reefer is! By now he should learn his lesson already!

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allow me to say something,maybe this case should close... it looks like its going no where, and soon becoming a personal attack to each other here..

come on, we all know its not correct to frag it and ask for free, and we all know we should not do that, to those who knows it and still do it.. even worst to mention his from SRC we can do nothing but to try and stop SRC name from going down the drain.

if things going out of hand, i believe boss will have to be busy again! do him a favour too alright? :)


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But he did say nice things about me? Or is it because he likes the curry I cooked? :rolleyes:


wl...no offence hor... :peace:

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I just speaks the fact! Like it or not! Too harsh to accept har?

To you, FRAGGING OFF from saleable corals is not wrong and acceptable hor....

reserved something then cancel just for a few dollars is acceptable

but buying fish is crime.

buying SPS with other reefers is hogging the tub.

You double standard har?

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  • SRC Member
I just speaks the fact! Like it or not! Too harsh to accept har?

To you,  FRAGGING OFF from saleable corals is not wrong and acceptable hor....

reserved something then cancel just for a few dollars is acceptable

but buying fish is crime.

buying SPS with other reefers is hogging the tub.

You double standard har?


Sis you better cook some curry so he'll keep quiet!!

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