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anyone has any seahorses to sell?

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Don't...rush into it. Wild-caught specimens are not easy. Be prepared to spend at least 5-10 hours per day caring for them. Do some reading up before their tanks are even set up. Find your sources of live food first as most likely you'll have to trigger their feeding response before weaning them onto frozen food like mysis. Find enrichment formulas to make their food more nutritious. Don't buy them & start panicking when they refuse to eat. Live adult brine shrimp or baby guppies as the main diet is useless. A good site that I could recommend you is www.seahorse.org

Hope I don't sound too harsh on you..but trust me..to have a seahorse die on you for the first time by starving to death is the most disheartening situation you won't want to start with.

Always something more important than fish.


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went there and guess how much, LOL. so ex. saw had left 2 and the boss told me that they have no more intension to get in seahorse anymore. As they are too expensive and not a good sale in the market. So guess my friend cant get them as he wants to setup a new seahorse tank and breed them.

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