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Recommended cure for Ick?

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Think a couple of my fishes has Ick. I notices many small white spots on them. Since this is the first time my marine fishes has been infected, I'm not too sure what to do. Can anyone advice what cure is best?

In the tank, I have an anemone and some mushrooms. So copper bases meds are out, right?


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So far, only a False Clown and a Royal Dottyback are infected.

1)If you have a quarantine tank, move them to the Q tank and reduce salinity level slowly till the ich break loose. Increase back your salinity slowly to your main tank level and introduce the fishes back to tank. Best is after 1 month quarantine.

2)If you dont have a Q tank, mix your fish food with garlic guard and pray your fishes is able to overcome from the ich.

3)If your fishes die, do a water change & do not add in new fishes for the next 1 month. After 1 month, introduce LS 1 by 1 and monitor closely.


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I would like to thank all who replied.

I think a bit too late for UV. Beside, I have my reservation about the claims made by the manufactures. :angel:

I guess short of a quarantine tank, I can try garlic and water change. Here's hoping all will work out!! :yeah:

Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be, be one.

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hello amteo,

i have the same problem too. I have tried a 48 hours black out but it did not work for my tank and i lost one butterfly :cry2: I might have done it wrongly.

I stopped the black out. my baby BT still badly infected. Now feeding my fish with bs soaked in garlic guard. (thanks to those who enlightened me on the part of garlic). luckily it feeds like pig.

I have done water changed also, about 5 days once for the past 3 weeks. I have an UV from day one. my tank is already 2 going to 3 months old.

with all these, the white spots are still stubbornly stuck on BT and getting more :angry:

yesterday I bought BioPlast OdiCont as recommended by the lfs. BT white spots has subsided a bit. i have anemones, a starfish and soft coral in my tank too. this medicine is ok for them. but i will observe for a few more days and let you know the result. keeping my finger crossed.

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