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Moorish idol

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Hi people! I did something really impulsive a week ago and bought a moorish idol. I know its a hard species and stuff but i just couldn't resist. Worse was that it wasn't even a really healthy specimen but somehow it called out to me. Now, against all odds, its eating pellets!! I just need some advice on how to enrich its diet as i know strictly pellets or any ONE type of food can be nutirtionally bad. Vitamins? it won't eat frozen food for some reason..shaved squid, mysis nothing..only pellets-sera granumarin and JBL marin pearls. It doesn't like new life spectrum as i think the pellets are too big. He's about 4inches now. any advice??

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
Hi people! I did something really impulsive a week ago and bought a moorish idol. I know its a hard species and stuff but i just couldn't resist. Worse was that it wasn't even a really healthy specimen but somehow it called out to me. Now, against all odds, its eating pellets!! I just need some advice on how to enrich its diet as i know strictly pellets or any ONE type of food can be nutirtionally bad. Vitamins? it won't eat frozen food for some reason..shaved squid, mysis nothing..only pellets-sera granumarin and JBL marin pearls. It doesn't like new life spectrum as i think the pellets are too big. He's about 4inches now. any advice??

wow... where'd u get your moorish idol? looks like u struck the jackpot with that one, cos as far as i know moorish idols take a long time to start eating (if they do at all...) congratz :)

haha... sorry i can't give any advice on their feeding, never dared to keep one myself.

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