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Too much light is too much food [for clams] ?


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just wondering if too much lights can caused stress to clams. I recently lowered my MH and lengthen the photo period from 5 to 8 and then to 12hours.

my giant maxi begin gaping even though the water parameters is within range.

Po4 - nearly 0

No3 - was >50ppm, but now <20ppm

PH - around 8-9 dkh

Ca - was previously 620, now 500

Magnesium - now 1320

I am thinking it could be the lights :)

anyway, my chiller is keeping water at 27-28

any idea ?

similiarly, can I keep my lights in the sump for 24/7 even if I had a brain and prata in there ?

thanks :)

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  • SRC Member

ok....let me offer my views on your clams behaviour.

1) Is your change of lighting drastic? ie lower MH and extending hours of lightings

2) what is your MH rating? 150W, 250W or 400W

I think the clam got 'shock' from the change of lighting. Also, the recommend light hour for MH is 8 hours..... any longer is too much. joeyttk, u know what to do, right?

As for brain and prata in sump..... Why u put them there instead of display tank? Sick? If so, having the light on 24/7 will stress them.

** This is purely my views only. See got more guru out there to offer more advises or not.**

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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  • SRC Member

just wondering if too much lights can caused stress to clams. I recently lowered my MH and lengthen the photo period from 5 to 8 and then to 12hours.

my giant maxi begin gaping even though the water parameters is within range.

Po4 - nearly 0

No3 - was >50ppm, but now <20ppm

PH - around 8-9 dkh

Ca - was previously 620, now 500

Magnesium - now 1320

I am thinking it could be the lights :)

anyway, my chiller is keeping water at 27-28

any idea ?

similiarly, can I keep my lights in the sump for 24/7 even if I had a brain and prata in there ?

thanks :)

how long have your clams been grasping???? and when did the change of your lightings occurs?????

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hi bros,

The lowering is pretty drastic. I lowered 6" in a day. and just the day before, extend the hour from 8 to 12.

So far, only the giantic monster is gaping, the rest are pretty happy.

When u say 12hours is too much ? what's are the side effect ? Since the rest are happy, I am waiting for this giant to adapt. Will they adapt eventually ?

As for the brain, I first thought they were sick but it turns out that they are constantly disturbed by the coral angels. After putting them in the sump for 2 weeks with 18hours lighting, they open up very nicely. When I put them back in the main tank, they shrivelled again.

So I am not sure what to do with them. I am hoping to get grapes to grow faster and hence thinking about making it 24/7. maybe I will do so only when the brains are fully open. what is the impact ? or it is a strict no-no ?

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  • SRC Member

still early to tell la....clams does that for no apparent reasons sometimes...in a day or two they should be ok....anyway, you a clam person.....a good resource is to try the discussion forums at clams direct....but a sudden increase of light might not be a good idea.....you might have to worry more about bleaching...

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  • SRC Member

i dont think the light lowering cause any effect.... if it is the lights then all your clams might be affected.. this is only one clam affected......... might be due to other reasons.... there is a thousand and one reason as to why clams suddenly die....... just to list a few

stress (due to fish nipping)



keep on moving the clams..

the place u put it not ideal....

blah blah.... :D

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my clam just went up the lorry. It was seating there for over 15months, and had grown quite a bit. It is quite a void it left in my tank :( When I lift it out of the tank, my water level in my sump dropped significantly.

Anyway, I am just hoping that it is not some kind of diseases that kill it else the rest of my clams will be in deep trouble.

thanks for all your help.

One visible side effect of the lights lowering and extension of photo period is cyano. Lots of them forming bubble on my LR. waiting for them to be exhaust itself

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