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Which marine fish have defencsive venom or spikes?

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  • SRC Member
1 more thing. What to do if kena stung by them?????

go n see a doctor.. :lol: dun get bitten by the blue ring octopus...if not u just have to sit around before u fell into a deep sleep..

as for so fish like lions stonefish better see a doctor..

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Just found out that rabbitfish have some defence mechanism. Just like to know which other fish should be aware of and not to use hand to catch them???

Never use your hands to catch any fish unless you are very sure about their biology (a difficult thing to do, I admit). Surgeonfish have a razor sharp 'blade' on each side of their tail. Stonefish, lionfish and scorpionfish have sharp dorsal spines that can penetrate your skin and inject venom. Rabbitfish 'stings' are painful - I have tried it before and it really hurts. Sea anemone stings are also powerful - I still have scars on my lower arm through direct contact with a sea anemone. The burning sensation lasted 5 days and I finished 2 tubes of steroid cream. As for the blue ring octopus - never even try. There has been 2 reported deaths in Singapore (or so I read).

If you are stung, immediately immerse the stung area in hot water - as hot as you can tolerate. This inactivates the venom/toxin (which are usually proteins and therefore inactivated by heat). If in doubt, see a doctor and tell him/her you are really sure of the sting and warrant treatment. If it is a stonefish, you will probably need the anti-venom.

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  • SRC Member

The Blue Ring Octopus bite is a neuromuscular paralysing venom, which means that the vemon would totally stop all muscle movement and control (ceasing all breathing and heart movement). However the bite of the Blue Ring Octopus may be painless though. The nerve conduction is blocked and neuromuscular paralysis is followed by death. However the bad thing about it is that it only takes 3 minutes for your heart to stop beating..

However you CAN save the victim if artificial respiration starts before marked cyanosis and hypotension develops. BUT there's no known anti-vemon. The only treatment is hours of heart and artificial respiration until the poison has wear off.

So i think if you can make it to the hospital immediately after the bite, you might survive as the doctors there can do heart and artificial respiration until the poison has wear off...

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Never use your hands to catch any fish unless you are very sure about their biology (a difficult thing to do, I admit). Surgeonfish have a razor sharp 'blade' on each side of their tail. Stonefish, lionfish and scorpionfish have sharp dorsal spines that can penetrate your skin and inject venom. Rabbitfish 'stings' are painful - I have tried it before and it really hurts. Sea anemone stings are also powerful - I still have scars on my lower arm through direct contact with a sea anemone. The burning sensation lasted 5 days and I finished 2 tubes of steroid cream. As for the blue ring octopus - never even try. There has been 2 reported deaths in Singapore (or so I read).

If you are stung, immediately immerse the stung area in hot water - as hot as you can tolerate. This inactivates the venom/toxin (which are usually proteins and therefore inactivated by heat). If in doubt, see a doctor and tell him/her you are really sure of the sting and warrant treatment. If it is a stonefish, you will probably need the anti-venom.

which surgeon fish is that. Does tang have those razor sharp 'blade' ????

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I think the tang that has the sharpest blades are the Naso Tangs...

Ever read on the internet that someone has been slash by them until the bone! (OUCH!)

So, just be careful when you put your hand into the water, some tangs are territorial..

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Regarding the anemone stings I believe it varies from person to person. Some people can be affected rather badly from what I hear though it will not affect others....better to be on the safe side though.

And yes the cure for lionfish stings is to place the hand in hot water ( as hot as you can handle ) as the venom consists of enzymes/ proteins ?? that are denatured by heat. Otherwise I have heard it is very painful not really lethal unless you are the rambo type and decide to try some other method of healing aside from seeing a doctor hehe.

I have heard from someone who got stung that his hand became swollen pretty bad and he got like a week's MC. Scary huh ? When I used to keep lionfish I always used to place a net dividing me and the fish...( It was naturally scared of the net and stayed away )

I only read about the potency of the anemones after holding them lol ! I have a carpet anemone ( pretty potent fellas and very sticky to hold...sign of a healthy anemone ) and when I put him in had a hard time as he constantly stuck to my fingers when holding. But luckily no bad effects...just felt like an idiot for not reading up earlier hehe.


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