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FOWLR elections!

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  • SRC Member

Hi bros,

I have a standard 2ft tank. I am really at a dilemma as to wat kind and combination of fishes should I put in.

I started of with a huge tomato clown and a huge damsel. Both were fighting and very aggressive. Then I got a smaller common clown and a hawkfish. Dad complained my tank is too boring. Then I added 3 firefishes. Despite me trying to cover, somehow they still managed to jump out. So now I have 6 chromis and the common clown. Hawkfish died think cos stressed by the addition of chromis.

And even now, I already see some chromis getting nipped and bitten quite badly. :cry: Oh help! :( JUst want to find out from bros who have 2ft FOWLRs. What fishes do you all keep? A peaceful and harmonious and vibrant combination. :D

Oh as for invertebrates, I have a black urchin, 2 blue legged hermits, a blue linkia and a feather duster.

Thanks so much guys! :thanks:

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I got 2 1/2 feet tank with:

3 percula clown

1 yellow tail damsel

1 small damsel

1 angel

1 skunk clown

1 boxer shrimp.

All living happilly "before" for 3 months. tank wipe out after change tank.... :pinch: and left only a boxer shrimp... getting everything back as before...

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:D My 2 Feet Portable Ocean~

1 Tomato Clown

1 Domino Damsel

1 Yellow Damsel

1 Chocolate Chip Starfish

1 Blue Linkia Starfish

1 Turbo snail

All live happily together....my tank is nearly one yr old hahahah :D

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  • SRC Member

To add more color and variety, would suggest to you the flame angel, coral beauty angel and the green mandarin.

But the green mandarin quite difficult to rear cos its a very peaceful, slow-moving fish and doesn't like having to compete for its food.

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  • SRC Member

my simple 2ft folwr consists of

1) False percula x 1

2) Bicolor blenny x 1

3) Bicolor psuedochromis x 1

4) Cleaner Shrimps x 2

5) Electrical blue leg hermit x 1

Looks dull ? try to add some red sea lectuce or red sea-grape. they are good at absorbing nitrates too :P

but i have problem with my psuedochromis .. occasionally will chase my shrimps .. gonna take him out soon :P

btw how many fish u guys keep in a standard 2ft tank ar ?


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  • SRC Member

I'm planning to keep 3 fishes in my 2 footer - 2 perculas, and 1 goby (haven't decided on any particular goby species though.. any suggestions anyone? :P )

These fishes are in addition to the shrimps in my tank - 1 pistol shrimp, 2 cleaners and 1 blood/fire shrimp. I like critters crawling all over my live rock.. makes a more natural-looking landscape, i feel.. hehe.

Hope to keep a porcelain anemone crab too, but afraid that'll make my tank overcrowded... anyone knows if they can be kept without an anemone?

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  • SRC Member

Hey guys,

Thanks for all your input :) I noticed something tho. No one puts tangs in a 2ft? I am planning to get 1 yellow tang leh. You guys think it's possible? And does anyone know where to get really small yellow tangs? :unsure:

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  • SRC Member

not to mentioned the substantial increase in bio-load

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  • SRC Member

I think your tank has got too many LS.

try to keep the peaceful species.

firefish - purple goby?

clowns - percula?

blenny - bicolour

goby - blue cheek

maybe a pigmy angel - flame.

cleaner shrimp.

Then you have - purple, yellow, red, white fishes in the tank.

If you add in a juvenile koran - then u have black.


try not to have damsels. if you really want, get the less aggressive ones.

2ft tank not suitable for YT - IMO.

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My 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 FOWLR tank contains:

2 x Nemo Clown

1 x Blue Tang

1 x "Pineapple" Butterfly

1 x Agogo Sweetlips

1 x Bicolour Blenny

1 x Firefish Goby

1 x Six Line Wrasse

1 x Boxer Shrimp

All are so friendly and living in a Happy Family !!! :evil:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Currently have 2x 2ft. 1 have a mantis. The other have 1 trigger, 1 marron clown and 1 chromis. All living peacefully. Initially trigger tried to bully clown but then clown attacked back so now they live peacefully liao. Each minding their own business except feeding time... they try to prevent each other from eating.

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