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FOWLR ---4x1.5x1.5--- BRUNEI


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Tank Dimensions: 4x1.5x1.5

Location: Living Room

Lights: 1x 30 watts actinic Marine-glo and 1x 30 watts daylight-glo

Live Rocks: Approximately 25-30 kg

Inhabitants: 1 Maroon Clown, 1 Claki Clown, 3 Sargent Major, 1 unknown small eel, 1 Fire Shrimp.

Filter: Fluval Canister 304

Skimmer: Those 'newbie' types with wooden airstone.

Pump: 1 normal power-head for water circulation.

Tank has been running for about 6-7 months.

All comments/critics are welcome.


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As requested by bro navigator...


Can someone identify this eel?

I caught this eel. The one in this pic is about 1 feet long!

It devoured about 5 of my damsels already.

2 Days ago, he devoured my new claki clown within 30 seconds of releasing it into the tank. So now it's sentenced to solitary confinement.

The smaller of the 2 eels, which is about a pen's thickness and length is in my main tank. It bit me during maintenance work. Very sharp fangs they got!

I especially love to see the symbiosis between the Fire Shrimp and eel...

Both eels need to be target fed with bamboo stick which i dread....

More updates tonight..


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I'm not 100% sure if it's 3x3x3. Could be a 3x2.5x2.5

Indeed heavy when filled with water.

Cant imagine those ppl with 6 feet plus tank..


I've got some questions i would like some 'reef-elders' to clarify to me...

For a 6x2.5x2.5 tank,

1) Say i am going SPS only tank, would 4 x 400 Watts 20K MH be sufficient?

(What's sort of lighting and 'K's does SPS craves?)

2) For such tank specs, what skimmer should i use?

Can anyone suggest a good skimmer? A beckett perhaps?

How much does one Beckett cost in SG?

3) What is a Calcium Reactor? Is it necessasary for SPS dominated tank?

What brand and how much $ am i looking at?

Some pics would be nice.

Thanks for any replies.......

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  • SRC Member

Bro, the body of the eel look like snowflake moray but the

face leopard moray eel. I go for Leopard Moray Eel, final answer.

However, you shouldnt keep it with small fish, it become the eel meals. B)

You should treat the clown fish garlic and coppermine dips. It infected

with parasite. ;)

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Bro Dorado,

Yah i learnt a lesson liao not to mixed eel with small fish.

No wonder each morning i wake up, the tank become less

populated. Maybe i will bring it to the LFS see if anybody wants to buy.

Maybe can get some credit for a few chromis.. hehe...

U mean give raw garlic to the pop-eye African clown?

So garlic harmless right?

Thanks for the advise bro...

I'll go chop some garlic now.



Bro navigator,

You want the Eel or not?

I courier it to Sg loh if u wan..hehehe.

Brunei and Sg oni 1 1/2 hr by plane only leh..

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I used to have 2 hammer and 1 zoo few months back...

Unfortunately, all of them disintegrate after a 2 mths...

The hammer's tentacles becomes stringy and stretches for

like 2-3 inches. Why is this so? Insufficient lighting or food?

Hence it's a FOWLR + 2 anemones tank now...


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  • SRC Member

Bro Brunei, it not the really garlic, wat I meant is the garlic

extract juice like Garlic extreme by kent or Seachem. You have

to soak brine shrimp or other pellet food and feed to the fish.

I ve been practicing this once a month and so seem less casualty

for more than 2 years.

You can also make your own, mince the garlic and extract the juice.

if you got time.

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