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Tank with FWODeadR

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This is my low cost maintenace FWODR. Just a simple 3X3X2 tank with sump.


Normal 4FT aquarium lighting

1 x Protein Skimmer

1 x Power Head

1 x Pump

SG 1.013

Previously i use to maintain my SG at 1.021-1.023, but i realised fishes does not last more than 1 month, especially the angels and tangs. Than I came across a thread that suggeted keeping SG as low as 1.011 is good enough for keeping fishes. Thus I try it out 6 months ago and after that those fishes I bought six months ago are still living very healthy in the tank. For reefers, who are keeping fish with rocks only, you may want to give it a try.



1xYellow Tang

1xFrench Angel

1xNacho Tang

1xGrey Angel

1xBlue Spot Angel

3xSingapore Angel




1xmaroon crown

Dead rock

Currently wating for some more dead rock to re-do the landscape.


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  • SRC Member
Bro, can give a try.. but if you keeping corals and live rock..than it's not advisable...good luck

Bro, be advice tt keep marine fishes at low specific gravity, will do no good for the internal organ itself. Take for example, fish from red sea SG is1.025-27, Brazil area 1.025, s.e.asia 1.023. They will not be able to generate enough minaral in and out their body. At 1.013, you need to monitor the PH closely. 40 days of low sg is enough to kill off all parasite on their body. My advice bring back to at least 1.020 slowly if all your fish is ok.


One of my favourite fish only.

Give me one more chance....

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using hyposalinity is great to control parasite as they are unable to survive under hypo conditons( 1.009) and all parasite will roughly be gone in about 8 weeks. However at 1.013, i believe the stronger parasite still linger on.

At hyposalinity condition, u have more other worrying stuff.

it is more difficult to maintain your kH and pH and would render your skimmer almost useless.At the same time a good skimmer is beneficial for FOWLR since the bioload is gonna be high for sure.

at lower salinity , the fish will ' breath ' easier but not to the entend of so low.

Salinity. - The water surrounding a marine fish is more concentrated than the body fluids of the fish and so osmosis constantly draws water from the fish. This is why Hypo salinity during quarantine (only do so for fish only) reduces stress on fish since their bodies do not have to work as hard against osmotic pressures. To prevent dehydration, saltwater fish must drink, with the salt that they imbibe being excreted via the mucus secreting glands of the skin,in the feces, but primarily from the kidneys and the gills. Sudden raising of the salinity will dramatically upset this delicate balance stressing or even killing the animal. DO NOT lower your aquarium's salinity level below normal in the mistaken belief that in doing so is good for the fish over the long term, it is harmfull to the fish, causing kidney failure. -- from Information extracted

i also have the same advice for you as bigbird to bring back your s.g. slowly to recommended level =)

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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Thanks Bro Bigbird and hammy.. will start increasing my sg slowly back to a higher value..

Really sorry to reefers who heal those remarks I put in for keeping the sg so low at 1.013.

Guess Bigbird and Hammy are right and they are definitely the more experience reefer than me..

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  • 2 weeks later...

ya man.. with me almost two years already.. they kana wack by my blue ring angel initially i bought 2 years ago.. but than cannot be so cruel to get rid of them just because they look ugly.. but they are feeding well..

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