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Aiyo what happened???

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It's attached and not floating, but still hiding in my caves. Still refuses to come out.

On another note, one polyp of my mushroom spit it guts out today after I added some additives! He must have taken in too much of the additive in the water swirling around him...Hope he'll be alright

Alrighty, just monitor it yah :)

Remember not to overdose! :)

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  • SRC Member
Aiyo what happened???

Coz when I dosed the additives today, I think it must have taken a large dose of either calcium of magnesium into itself before the water fully circulated...Within the minute his guts were out and he was way swollen...

Now he looks fine...I hope he stays that way...:D

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Coz when I dosed the additives today, I think it must have taken a large dose of either calcium of magnesium into itself before the water fully circulated...Within the minute his guts were out and he was way swollen...

Now he looks fine...I hope he stays that way...:D

Hey, I also got such problem before. I bought many from the shop before. The boss promise me that keeping using that will maintain kh and ph. But when I put in (not so many) all many corals got impaction. Then i go to internet check the brand"reefmax" and found no such brand at all.After study some article about marinefish I think all the ABC...cant be trusted. Now I using redsea brand, a bit expensive than the ABC.. but it is a liquid and when i put in coral all ok . I have using redsea for 6 months, so far so good. :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
Hey, I also got such problem before. I bought many from the shop before. The boss promise me that keeping using that will maintain kh and ph. But when I put in (not so many) all many corals got impaction. Then i go to internet check the brand"reefmax" and found no such brand at all.After study some article about marinefish I think all the ABC...cant be trusted. Now I using redsea brand, a bit expensive than the ABC.. but it is a liquid and when i put in coral all ok . I have using redsea for 6 months, so far so good. :eyebrow:

Can you please dun reply in here.It is his choice to believe.Or are u the other guy???Multi nick is it???

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  • SRC Member
Can you please dun reply in here.It is his choice to believe.Or are u the other guy???Multi nick is it???

Haha...I didn't want to respond to that post. 1 post since Nov 2007. Oh well. The first guy never responded since those posts either.

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  • SRC Member
dun dose KH often

adds stress to LPS corals...

especially brain corals...

overdose they will shrink their flesh quite immediately.. :pirate:

I try not to dose KH so often. But base on test kit results.

Guess what happened to my magnesium because I dosed without checking? My first check with the Salifert test kit reads 2100ppm!!! Tried a few times and still like that.

Now doing daily water change until it lowers to normal.

On a side note, I've added quite a bit of LS since the last update, and am now looking for a more efficient hang-on skimmer.

Suggestions from bros have been

1) Red Sea Prizm Pro

2) Deltec MCE 600

3) Aqua C Remora Skimmer

Which one would be the best choice and value for money?


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  • SRC Member
dun dose KH often

adds stress to LPS corals...

especially brain corals...

overdose they will shrink their flesh quite immediately.. :pirate:

Yup, KH should only be dosed in moderation so has to raise it to a desirable level. 9-11 Dkh. Raising your KH should be done gradually too, if not tank confirm crash.

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  • SRC Member
dun dose KH often

adds stress to LPS corals...

especially brain corals...

overdose they will shrink their flesh quite immediately.. :pirate:

What and i threw my open brain since it doesn't open like other corals.

I try not to dose KH so often. But base on test kit results.

Guess what happened to my magnesium because I dosed without checking? My first check with the Salifert test kit reads 2100ppm!!! Tried a few times and still like that.

Now doing daily water change until it lowers to normal.

On a side note, I've added quite a bit of LS since the last update, and am now looking for a more efficient hang-on skimmer.

Suggestions from bros have been

1) Red Sea Prizm Pro

2) Deltec MCE 600

3) Aqua C Remora Skimmer

Which one would be the best choice and value for money?


WTH!!!!!2100???You mus be kidding me???I using RedSea Prizm Skimmer.It is oka but needs to adjust the wtaer flow.Abt the guy ya dun trust those people who onli got 1 post.They are trying to bring down other people's buisness.Strong competition cause Jireh and ML is like the best two LFS in the west.

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my stand for LFS e one rarest n cheapest wins.. lolx.. :eyebrow::eyebrow::eyebrow:

every1 else also is just as practical...

y u throw ur brain away?

it also neber rot till left skeleton,y u so fast throw..

let me heal it for u mahz..

I threw away my hammer liao. First day open so nicely my clown tot it was his home. Play with it and knocked it over. Spent the whole night on its head, I only discovered it next day. By then secreting mucous liao. Over the next 2 days it slowly melted away :(

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Woke up today and found my clownfish behaving strange. Swimming against the current right at the surface of the water. He had some fluffy spots on him head yesterday, but I decided to observe.

This morning cannot liao, had to quarantine him.

I don't know if it's Ich, but it's looking more and more like it.

Now I'm damn worried for the rest of my fish. :(

Any other suggestions what I should do? :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
my stand for LFS e one rarest n cheapest wins.. lolx.. :eyebrow::eyebrow::eyebrow:

every1 else also is just as practical...

y u throw ur brain away?

it also neber rot till left skeleton,y u so fast throw..

let me heal it for u mahz..

Too bad it is burnt already.Dunno what to do liaozzz.Now onli got 5 surviving corals.All healthy and big.Hmm if the clown is still eating give foods for marine that are already have garlic as their main ingredients.

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my 2 cents.

Stop buying fishes and corals temporary.

Normal cycle without a good skimmer will have to go thru two cycle of algae bloom.

You should see brown diatoms and it will slowly change to green algae depending on bio-load. First cycle.

You can then stock up slowly. (do water change to minimize the bloom impact)

(tangs will increase your bio-load drastically)

Just my opinion and maybe wrong. Hope you do control stocking up now.

Usually after 6mths, tank should be more stable - Unless you are using a huge skimmer.

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  • SRC Member
my 2 cents.

Stop buying fishes and corals temporary.

Normal cycle without a good skimmer will have to go thru two cycle of algae bloom.

You should see brown diatoms and it will slowly change to green algae depending on bio-load. First cycle.

You can then stock up slowly. (do water change to minimize the bloom impact)

(tangs will increase your bio-load drastically)

Just my opinion and maybe wrong. Hope you do control stocking up now.

Usually after 6mths, tank should be more stable - Unless you are using a huge skimmer.

Yup...noted. And the opinion is valuable. Corals I might still buy one or two though, seeing as how they don't really contribute to the bio-load (I might be wrong...so please correct me if I am).

I just got a skimmer capable of 250l, that's 66% bigger than my tank. The AquaMedic Biostar Flotor. It should be able to support this tank for now. And I'm still running one of Jireh's Quick Start for the media box and skimmer, to act as an internal overflow system. Problem is my tank temperature just went up 1 degree :D

I've already had brown and green algae bloom all over the tank. The blenny, turbo snails and hermit crab have done a fantastic job with the cleanup, and coralline is making its appearance over previously whitish LR.

ONLY my humble opinion now! I don't think it takes 6 mths for a tank to be considered stable! Even old tanks can run into problems with overstocking if you're not careful! As long as your parameters are ok, and your bacteria are doing the job, I think the tank is stable! Caveat is you need to test your parameters regularly. I've been testing my ANN cycle, and everything is stable. I can't detect NH4 and NO2 and NO3 is up. PO4 is undetectable as well. So I can't fathom what it means by stable water sometimes.

I don't mean any offense :D I know I'm a newbie, and you guys have lots to offer. And all opinions are still valuable to me :D

I think my mistake in this case was

1) Dosing without testing, so my Mg climbed way over the top.

2) Stocking too fast.

3) Not ensuring that my fish were feeding on pellets before buying.

I'm now doing daily water changes to get Mg down, and I guess this is good for cleaning up the tank as well...

And I'm just gonna sit and enjoy the view while I have it :D


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no offense, just felt that you are stocking up too fast with the wrong fish :paiseh: Paiseh if i do disturb your thread but felt that sometime we need a little reminder (even for myself making many mistake everytime).

Since you already know, i hope to see your tank slowly mature into a balance system. Basically each time you increase your bio-load, you have to wait a while for the system(bacteria) to catch up. When ich is spreading, it is a very clear signal that the fish are experiencing stress (either from water or tank mates, etc) You might want to follow the treatment suggested.

<extract http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cl...icleid=2420>

When those fish finally enter the home aquarium, they are then subject to yet another change in water parameters, diet, temperature, and environment and may even be subject to aggression from existing tank mates. To say the least, these fish are severely stressed to the point that their immune system may not be functioning properly, making them very susceptible to infections and parasites like Cryptocaryon. In an existing tank in which the fish are healthy, the introduction of a new fish or a decrease in water quality or temperature fluctuations may stress the fish to the point that the Cryptocaryon protozoans that were present but not creating problems will then rapidly cause a more serious infection.

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  • SRC Member
no offense, just felt that you are stocking up too fast with the wrong fish :paiseh: Paiseh if i do disturb your thread but felt that sometime we need a little reminder (even for myself making many mistake everytime).

Since you already know, i hope to see your tank slowly mature into a balance system. Basically each time you increase your bio-load, you have to wait a while for the system(bacteria) to catch up. When ich is spreading, it is a very clear signal that the fish are experiencing stress (either from water or tank mates, etc) You might want to follow the treatment suggested.

<extract http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cl...icleid=2420>

When those fish finally enter the home aquarium, they are then subject to yet another change in water parameters, diet, temperature, and environment and may even be subject to aggression from existing tank mates. To say the least, these fish are severely stressed to the point that their immune system may not be functioning properly, making them very susceptible to infections and parasites like Cryptocaryon. In an existing tank in which the fish are healthy, the introduction of a new fish or a decrease in water quality or temperature fluctuations may stress the fish to the point that the Cryptocaryon protozoans that were present but not creating problems will then rapidly cause a more serious infection.

Not disturbing. Like I say, I've still got lots to learn. I posted this thread not to say how good I am, or how great the tank is. I wanted to share my experience as a noob and hopefully gain from the laojiao as well.

What do you mean by wrong fish? Wrong type? Not reef safe? I like Tangs leh...what do you suggest I add then?

Oh, I do agree that I was stocking up too fast <_< You know lah, cannot resist temptation...

Clark RIP liao. But not ich. More likely velvet. Watching the other fish carefully...

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Not disturbing. Like I say, I've still got lots to learn. I posted this thread not to say how good I am, or how great the tank is. I wanted to share my experience as a noob and hopefully gain from the laojiao as well.

What do you mean by wrong fish? Wrong type? Not reef safe? I like Tangs leh...what do you suggest I add then?

Oh, I do agree that I was stocking up too fast <_< You know lah, cannot resist temptation...

Clark RIP liao. But not ich. More likely velvet. Watching the other fish carefully...

Wrong fish means adding 4 tang within a month seems very challangeing (I only dare to do so after 3-4mths slowly with a good skimmer). I fail before and just worry that you might have ich battle very soon. Anyway, do monitor their health especially towards ich.

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your nano looks gorguss btw.

just wondering how many gallons is it?

and also, be careful on the amount of fish you stock up. for a nano the maxium clownfishes for that size is only one or 2. you cant add in any tangs as it will be cruelty to them, not enough space.

sea urchin would be A GOOD choice though :)

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