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Hi Seniors,

Got a few questions

Trying to start a family hobby into marine fishes and slowing progress to reefing

Due to tight budget would be buying all on second-items for my set up, is this recommendable?

1. What is the equipments I need to start off with? (thought to start off 2ft tank with sump for easier upgrade later)

2. Types of fishes and simple corals for a start without chiller (will be buying one, if I gain enuff experiance)

3. How to prevent live rocks from covering with algaes or green slime??

4. What is the things I need to buy for coral mantainance

Greatly appericate all bros in taking time to help me out!


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Hi Seniors,

Got a few questions

Trying to start a family hobby into marine fishes and slowing progress to reefing

Due to tight budget would be buying all on second-items for my set up, is this recommendable?

1. What is the equipments I need to start off with? (thought to start off 2ft tank with sump for easier upgrade later)

2. Types of fishes and simple corals for a start without chiller (will be buying one, if I gain enuff experiance)

3. How to prevent live rocks from covering with algaes or green slime??

4. What is the things I need to buy for coral mantainance

Greatly appericate all bros in taking time to help me out!


1. Regardless of what you intend to keep, a protein skimmer is highly recommended. Lights, chillers, additives, other equipment like calcium reactor, all depend on the livestock you wish to keep.

2. Gobies and soft corals are rather forgiving.

3. Do weekly water changes and/or add a phosphate absorbing medium. Do not overfeed.

4. Depends on the coral species

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member


Welcome to SRC! :thumbsup:

Hi Seniors,

Got a few questions

Trying to start a family hobby into marine fishes and slowing progress to reefing

Due to tight budget would be buying all on second-items for my set up, is this recommendable?

1. What is the equipments I need to start off with? (thought to start off 2ft tank with sump for easier upgrade later)





2. Types of fishes and simple corals for a start without chiller (will be buying one, if I gain enuff experiance)





Certain Tangs

Certain Angels





3. How to prevent live rocks from covering with algaes or green slime??

Control your Nitrate and Phosphate level.. you want your rocks to be covered in coraline algae

4. What is the things I need to buy for coral mantainance

Coral food

Calcium suppliment

Iodine suppliment

Greatly appericate all bros in taking time to help me out!


A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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Hi Seniors,

Got a few questions

Trying to start a family hobby into marine fishes and slowing progress to reefing

Due to tight budget would be buying all on second-items for my set up, is this recommendable?

1. What is the equipments I need to start off with? (thought to start off 2ft tank with sump for easier upgrade later)

2. Types of fishes and simple corals for a start without chiller (will be buying one, if I gain enuff experiance)

3. How to prevent live rocks from covering with algaes or green slime??

4. What is the things I need to buy for coral mantainance

Greatly appericate all bros in taking time to help me out!


Hai, Welcome...

I suggest understand the tank cycle process first b4 heading... Below link some good write up from LemonLemon about tank cycle....


and also some good info about reef keeping....

1) What are the basic main types of aquarium filtration?

2) What are types of tiny marine crustaceans found in our aquarium?

3) What is a Berlin system?

4) What is a Deep Sand Bed?

5) What Is A Refugium?

6) What is cycling of tank?

7) What is Live Rocks?

SGREEFCLUB All about ReefKeeping

reefkeeping newbie corner

WWM FAQs Master Index

Reef Central : Setting up New Tank

Cheers and Happy Reefing....


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • Senior Reefer


Welcome to SRC! :thumbsup:

FR (fluidized reactor) is not compulsory.

although certain angels can be kept without chiller, the range is quite limited. so remember to do plenty plenty of research and post in the forum for advice before committing.

since you're starting with a 2ft tank, i don't reccomend any tangs also. it's too small for a tang and if you're running without chiller, the warmer temperature will increase metabolic activity and stress (depends on how high the temp goes to), this will be even more unsuitable for tangs.

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Welcome to SRC, Snowy.

Due to tight budget would be buying all on second-items for my set up, is this recommendable?

- Yeah its ok.

1. What is the equipments I need to start off with? (thought to start off 2ft tank with sump for easier upgrade later)

- would suggest you go for the basic things 1st. just lighting, protein skimmer, wavemaker

2. Types of fishes and simple corals for a start without chiller (will be buying one, if I gain enuff experiance)

clowns, gobies, firefishes, damsels, .. plenty to choose from.

reference: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/aquarium-fish-supplies.cfm?c=15+2124

select those categorized under : Easy care level.

3. How to prevent live rocks from covering with algaes or green slime??

usually for the 1st few months, algae boom is quite natural and unavoidable.

after 3 - 4 months, algae growth should slow down and can be controlled by feeding regime, stocking level, using DI water for top up and water change, shortening photo period.... etc etc

4. What is the things I need to buy for coral mantainance

In general, you will need a decent set of lights, some coral food, perform regular water changes....

happy researching!

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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Thanks a lot for taking time to advise, bros

Greatly appericate all the useful tips and informations provided

Will be doing more reseach and in the meantime will be looking out for 2nd hand items from the pasar malam corner to complete the whole set up

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