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weileong's 4ft tank


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bro deepblue,

Which side of you mean? Actually on the right side it is slight slopping down all the way from the rear of the tank to abt 6" from the front of the tank. The top part of the rock at the rear is about 8" from the surface and then slopes down to 1" at the end of the slope.

I was thinking it will allow more layers for your acros if the LR are added this way, and you can place some infront as well, the current way allows you to place limited number of acros, very soon...they will look like they lining up behind each other...

then again...that's my opinion ;)

I try to do a rough sketch, even added a beautiful pink birdnest in for you :lol::lol::lol::lol:


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ah.... I get what you meant already :P

I thought I am done already but seems like I need to rescape soon. Hiak.... luckily got abt 25kg more LR on standby meant for my 2ft cube. Probably keep things this way first and then rescape in about one month's time cos don't want to stress the fishes too much.

Is the right side of your tank also follow this way to scaping?

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your preference lah.....there is a reason why AT scape his tank the way it looks now...

notice he is able to place some sps on the higher region and others at a lower area (yet in front), so from the front it looks like layers and layers of sps in his tank. I always like this 'valley concept' attractive as yousee fishes swimming into the valley and disappearing at the back as they turn into the crevaces in the rock work behind....gives you a deep feeling...very natural ;)

at the same time ... some people prefer to have a volcano look, that means one side lower and gently slope upwards...gives you a spacious look and allow quite a variety of corals to be placed from bottom up.

really ..each his own...as long as you like it.....that's all that matters :lol::lol:

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I agree...with one tunze...I am already struggling at times to balance my softies, LPS and SPS needs....(normally, one enjoys the current and the other tend to suffer a bit....)

Will be getting a second tunze soon...I think can bounce the cureent off the glass wall :lol:

WeiLeong has the power of 3..............very tokkong... :lol::lol::lol:

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The placement of the tunze is very important. I just aim them directly at "the other side of the tank" all 3 tunze occupy a corner the tank and is directed at the corner diagonally across the tank. The 6100s are set to pulsing of 30-90% while the 6000 is set to pulsing of 70-100%

So far no issues except the bubbles cannot take the flow, the rest of the LPS seems to be doing fine except a brown frogspawn that waves madly but it's been 3 months and the tissues are still there and seems to be growing to me so I just leave it that way.

Would be interesting to see what happens when I upgrade the 6000 to 6100.

Quite good flow as I can see the polyps of all my SPS moving when the tunze are at high flow.

There is no issues of sand storm in my tank nor any signs of sandbed shifting.

BTW I loves the wave action on the surface of the tank, really look like the sea :P

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I got it from CF. Still a few left there.

LCK110 has one left on Sunday when I was there.

But all the rest do not have that big black dot on the body.

Thanks for telling me the name of the fish.

Your tang must be pecking at the LR first in order for this to work.

The trick is to wet the norti, then spread it on a piece of LR to dry it under the sun. Then put in back. Now be patient and wait for the tang to peck on the LR with the dried norti. Once it starts to peck that norti, it will soon learn how to eat norti that is clip elsewhere in the tank.

I dried the norti under the MH lights :P

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The trick is to wet the norti, then spread it on a piece of LR to dry it under the sun. Then put in back. Now be patient and wait for the tang to peck on the LR with the dried norti. Once it starts to peck that norti, it will soon learn how to eat norti that is clip elsewhere in the tank.

Wont drying the LR kill the benificial bacteria??? :blink:

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Take a small pc of LR. You think that will create a problem when you have a big tank?

If you're talking abt a nano then you should not be even keeping a tang in the first place :P

okok i get wad u mean.... maybe i should give it a try.... but i was given another method to try... soak the nori in garlic or the juice from frozen mysis.... the tangs will br attracted from the smell :)

btw hows the foxface and the sailfin? tank looking good :)

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First of all if they don't know the floating or clip on norti is food then whatever type of smell they also won't go eat. I tried this method for long time but no success.

But they peck on LR for algae. Then accidentally peck on the norti and know it is food then they will recognise those clip on one soon :P

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First of all if they don't know the floating or clip on norti is food then whatever type of smell they also won't go eat. I tried this method for long time but no success.

But they peck on LR for algae. Then accidentally peck on the norti and know it is food then they will recognise those clip on one soon :P

ahhh ic.... my tangs will eat anythng floating... including their shit... :lol:

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Duck rice no problem, when you want to claim? Valid for 3 months only :P

Finally my tunze transformer arrived so now I upgrade my 6000 to 6100, running 3x6100 in my tank but still no sand storm. A lot more wave action in the tank, never see before. Lots of debris "flying" around in tank now. Is 3x6100 enough????

Less wasted collected on the sandbed and LR = less algae problem later :P


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I think my fishes need time to get used to the higher flow. A lot of difference between the 6000 and 6100.

Now running in pulse mode (4sec).

Have tune down the flow to 30-90% for channel A (2x6100 on right side of tank) and 50-70% for channel B (1x6100 on left side of tank).


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