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Weipro 2011 is too powerful for 2ft tank?


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  • SRC Member

:huh: Dear All,

Can i asked if any 2ft marine reefer use Weipro 2011? How is the protein skimmer functioning cos I was told by a LFS that it too powerful & unneccesary for 2ft tank as it will take up all the good nutirents from the tank also!

Pls kindly share your experience & comments!


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  • SRC Member

My Humble 2Ft Tank:

- 1 x 55w PL blue

- 1 x 25w FL white

- 1 Jebo Side Overflow Filter

- 1 AA brand Protein Skimmer

- 1 three stripes damsel

- 1 coral beauty

- 1 dragon wrasse

- 1 dottyback gamma

- 1 skunk shrimp

- 1 Greenish Mushroom

- 1 Green Yuma

- 1 purplish green corapora

- 1 luminious white torch coral

- 1 Green jewel coral

- 1 Cateye bubble coral

- 1 anemone on the rock

- 1 yellow poly coral

- 5 Brown tubeworm

- 1 Brown tubeworm with purple xenia attached

- 1 red coco tubeworm

- Temp 26-27C

- Ammonia 0mg/l

- Salinty 1.020

- 10kg LR

Thanks for your comment!


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  • SRC Member

That was pretty rush my friend. The heat produce by the powerhead would significantly affect the temperature in your tank. Try to monitor the your tank temp. I once bought a 2011 for my 2ft tank and i sell it away immediately as there was no space in my tank to fit the PH. Well, maybe it's because there were too many liverocks in my tank. Oh well, good luck with your skimmer.

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  • SRC Member
ha the dont trust the Lfs. only trust them 30% or lesser. what are you keeping .And the lfs man told you a skimmer is not nessercialy (spelling) ha joking. too big ,. another joke. i am using a 2012 on a 2ft tank. ;):D

:off: abit, that time i go to one LFS at my area, wanted to get anthias, den i ask the boss how much, den boss shouted to his assistant and ask "Basslet how much??" even the boss dunnoe the price and got the name wrong. Makes my toe laughing. :D:D

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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