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DOUBLE NICKER...........


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  • SRC Member

I have notice at leat 1 double nicker in this forum........i'm kind of piss off...after seeing the actual nick posting...n the hidden nick giving advise....and also support the actual nick when arguement or unhappiness arises.......... :angry:

THIS REALLY PISS ME OFF................ :angry:

I hope as a reefer n gentleman, pls stand up n face all comments and STOP being a coward by using a DOUBLE NICK.............. :angry:

I believe some of u guys here know who i meant..... for those who dun know.... i cant tell u, as i do not wish to stir up all this CRAP........ :angry:

However, should the admin needs to know , who the BUGGER, its my pleasure to tell u......... ;)

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  • SRC Member

hey bro, still awake huh? hehehe

it is true... some people used different nicks... seen a seller posting a few months ago, and he has other nicks, supporting himself.....

i have a different nick myself, that was before the site crashed... when site went online again, had to change a different nick coz posing problems with logging in in the first few days.. but i never used that previous nick again...

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