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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2010 in all areas

  1. Peter, I do you a favour, you give me the catridge and resin for free ok? i can collect my share on Thursday night from your place, time to be confirmed.. and you can post an announcement on the Bulk Order Thread that those who prefers to collect from my place in Bishan instead of travelling all the way to Jurong, have to collect from me latest by this weekend, or next monday morning.. i'll be at Krabi from monday-thursday... money wise they'll do a bank transfer with you.. PM you my address.. hope this would release some heavy load for you
    2 points
  2. Suns and supersuns do not need light.. in fact some reefers would say that they do better without light! medium to high flow would be good as in the wild thats how they get their food. Relying on the current to sweep the food to them. took me awhile to dig this out of my thread.. try use this method to feed your corals next time.. see if it works! http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=72975&st=580
    1 point
  3. market prawn will kick start the cycling. If you don't use market prawn, some people use starter fish, which i strongly disagree.
    1 point
  4. firefish are quite timid fishes... they must be very stressed by your dottyback.. are you sure that they are still hiding in the rock? are they still feeding? Do not attempt to catch the 2 firefishes out as it will only stress them more... try to refrain from changing your rockscape too for the time being.. HTH Cheers, Ray
    1 point
  5. Hi bro, welcome to the forum. Adding ice cube is a very bad idea. When the ice cubes melt, it will decrease the salinity of the water. Even if you freeze salt water to match the salinity, are you going to be around every hour to maintain the temperature? I tried to work around this when I first started my nano tank by using ice packs, end up it does more harm than good, I gave up and bought a chiller. Edit 1: I know it is bad form to complain about a downvote... but really? I get bad karma for helping a bro out when nobody else answered? Edit 2: So Raydiative is the culprit! LOL... The price I pay for teasing him all the time, real karma lol.
    0 points
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