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Everything posted by yikai

  1. a fully yellow adult bluespotted jawfish, and a juvenile without any spots.
  2. i see a Bodianus neopercularis from Marshall islands as well. there were 4. not sure how many left.
  3. gorgeous gobies and dartfishes at bbox. Ptereleotris grammica Flabelligobius sp Ptereleotris uroditaenia Coryphopterus lipernes Priolepis nocturna Tryssogobius colini a beautiful nano tank featuring rare gobies can be set up on the spot with all these currently now at bbox!
  4. updates* iwarna no more male bellus angel, only females. plenty of semifasciatus males and females.
  5. Philippine shipment at iwarna today afternoon - Red margin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus) - Cebu pylei wrasse (Cirrhilabrus pylei) - * limited pieces of Bellus swallowtail angel males and females (Genicanthus bellus) - Yellow masked Angel (Genicanthus semifasciatus) - Swallowtail angel (Genicanthus melanospilos) - Red/green bubble tip anemones.
  6. Have. As of yesterday, 1 inch kole at iwarna. Not sure still there or not.
  7. it's a good concept. it started out as a refugium but to be honest, it was too small to be of any use for nutrient export. so slowly i just added some cheapo yumas and some lps and slowly it became more like a nano tank. but i do keep a few macroalgae purely for decorative purposes. this tank is most importantly, an outlet for me to experiment with nano fish. something not possible with my display.
  8. as for the stenopus, try looking after lights go off. stenopus are very shy and take super long to get used to brightly lit tanks. in my old tank i had a S. scutellatus that i only ever saw a few minutes each day under its cave. right now i have S. cyanoscelis and S. zanzibaricus in my display but as usual, when lights go off they crawl all over looking for food. in my refugium i have S. tenuirostris and likewise, only after lights off does it appear.
  9. a nice nano tank set up and an upgrade from your previous. i like nano tanks, but must understand its limitations. nano tanks open up a whole world for goby choices. something that cannot be kept in a big tank.
  10. oh trust me i have given up fighting this losing battle with sand and wavemaker. my tank currently has a bare zone at the corner. mentioned before, love the scape, and love the top down.
  11. just a video on some of my shrimps. these are really very underrated and i highly reccomend them for your tanks. they stay on corals and do not move much and adds so much life to the tank. watch in HD
  12. Will post a FTS next weekend. it may seem like i've been focusing more on my nano/refugium than my display but that's not the case hehe.
  13. Hi, the green leaf algae is not an algae, but a marine plant with root systems and everything. it is oval leaf seagrass, Halophila sp. Commonly found growing in reef flats and shallow turbid zones. they spread by runners under the sand and the leaf grows upward. this is my first time trying this seagrass and i have no experience yet. we shall see if it survives and grows. some initial die off may be expected as the plant gets its roots acclimated and growing in the sand. best to grow them in a soft silty substrate like miracle mud, or grade 0 sand. you can get it occasionally from henry.
  14. absolutely. they can pair with Alpheus bellulus and many others too. not picky.
  15. Beautiful Dixurus dottyback. when will i get to see this from red sea?
  16. i do like crosshatch but i do not have a tank big enough. the beauty of open water column feeding triggers like crosshatch and goldenbacks must be appreciated in a lage and long tank. I'm also still learning how to use the DSLR. my brother is a much more accomplished photographer than me in this field.
  17. as requested, FTS of my nano/refugium. nothing special, just very simple scaping with some soft corals and small LPS. some macro algae here and there.
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