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Everything posted by thi46

  1. price at $60 this is a good deal, low ballers stay away. contact me at 81233two5four. collection at yishun. Thank you.
  2. Forget to mention the price... $70 take all
  3. Selling used Bacteria King 10L. Great for reef tanks. collection at kathib. message me at 81two3three2five4
  4. Due to the high volume of calls, FCFS no reservations.
  5. Decom sales 1) 2 x Naso Blonde Tang 6" ( $15 each) 2) Unknown tang 6" (black color) ($10) 3) Artificial Liferock and Liferock (see pic for pricing. For sizing purposes,my tank is 6ft) 4) Skimz Monster SM251 + 2 ES5000 needlewheel pump + spares ($200) 5) ATC Refractometer ($35) (Barely used) 6)Hydrometer (salinity,temperature) ($5) 7)Vortech MP40w-ES (Wireless) ($300) 8)Jebao WP40 ($40) 9) Laguna Max Flo 16000 ($200) 10) 50g bluetub ( for mixing water) ($20) 11) ADV Reef Skimmer collection cup (With overflow prevention) ($20) 12) Fluid Reactor ($25) 13) Dual Fluid Reactor ($40) 14) Tropic marin IMMUVIT (Unopened) ($10) 15) Bulk Reef Suppy Biopellets (around 1litre) ($30)
  6. bro im planning to decomm my 6ft fowlr. Pm me if you interested in all the equipment needed for a fowlr. Thks
  7. Ups for the weekend... guys new stock of carbon is in. call or sms me at 81233254. Thank you
  8. hi i've got a a lionfish for 3 weeks already.trained it to feed on frozen glass shrimp. selling for 15dollars.reason for selling is that it might not be compatible for my tank. its currently in my quarantine tank. pm me if you're interested.
  9. fishes should be pellet feeding and large. pm me your offer thank you
  10. I'm selling this FR. customized and it has a good built quality. WYSIWYG. collection at yishun. call me @ 812three3two54 to deal. thank you
  11. Hi guys i'm selling a 4" regal angel from the fish channel.its pellet eating and super healthy. reason for selling is that it cannot compete with my tangs for food as my tangs are double its size and weight! selling at $45. Same price as i bought it. I don't mind trading with anyone who has a large pellet eating flame angel. thank you.
  12. Posting this on behalf of a friend. Selling fishes to decrease bioload. 1) Naso Tang 6'' ...........$28 2)Shallow Tail Angelfish (female) 3.5 ''.............$25 3)Powder Brown Tang 3.5"...............$15 all fishes are healthy and been with the reefer for 4-5 months. fishes are feeding on mysis shrimps,pellets and seaweed. contact reefer at +659two21five990. cheers
  13. currently reserved.will msg the next person in line if taker backs out.
  14. collection at yishun. msg me at 81233254
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