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Everything posted by untouchables

  1. auction... i think u can get at least double the price
  2. thats why i keep low profile, lest someone pester me to sell mine ;-)
  3. bio ocean left 1 piece of fbf-500 as of monday. no new shipment scheduled so the wait may be very long. try cowgum. bulk order closed but may have some extras. cheers!
  4. i juz bought one used 2l tank (3/4 full) with single gauge and manual regulator for $45. brand new from c328 would have cost me $100. however, this is the only good deal that i found. the others (>5 sets) were quoted at less than 20% of a new unit so it is really not worth buying. if u can wait, monitor all the planted tank forums since they are the most likely to release their units. cheers!
  5. bro Kaf, dun take the lobo leh... i was second in line for it
  6. nope. does not mean that but what im saying is that you need not worry about warranty ended, servicing, worn components etc cos you can afford to change new chiller every year.
  7. weisoon, thanks for the info. i juz bought a used 2l co2 cylinder (3/4 full) with single gauge and manual regulator for $45. condition is very good so i think worth the buy.
  8. mine exactly like urs but i got 2 others. got camera but cable lost so cannot upload until i go buy a card reader.
  9. resun cl-650 compared to artica or other high priced brands, i can afford to change one resun cl-650 every year for four years before i hit the price of the higher price units. therefore, unless the higher priced units can last 4 years without failure or servicing, i prefer to stick to resun, where i onli need for it to last 1 year. likely that it can last longer, so i can still realise some return when i sell at cheap cheap price. with the flexibility of changing yearly, i can scale the capacity accordingly instead of being stuck with one unit for 4 years. so thats why i went with resun and with the new model, it is quiet. whatever sound it has is comparable to other chillers and normally drowned out by background noise, esp from sump, skimmer, etc. thats my rationale but diff strokes for diff people. cheers!
  10. depends on timing lah bro. some months back purple tang $25 in shops and so many. people also mostly newbie so they juz go for cheap fish. nowadays, getting harder to come by (good condition ones), more expensive and more importantly, more people are willing to pay for stable healthy fish. why risk $30 from shop when you can get it for $35 from reefers who has kept it for some time? i got 2 to sell to reduce my bio load but it has been 3 months and still unable to catch them from my tank
  11. design based on the diagram in this thread. version 1.0: a) air stuck in tube that cannot be easily removed. version 2.0: added air release outlets at strategic points. ver 1.0a problem resolved. a) effluent outlet ended up as venturi intake instead. co2 inlet seems to be allowing water out when co2 is not connected. opposite of scenario of a). dunno if i connect co2 to it will solve the problem as co2 will have pressure to push??? version 3.0: moved effluent to tap from the canister directly but in sufficient pressure to push effluent out through the tube. ver 2.0a problem remains to be solved. version 4.0: doing tonite but still not new ideas drawn up yet. cheers!
  12. DB, when u gonna start letting go the SPS? i PM u liao. reply quick can? thanks!
  13. my suggestion is to take out the sea apple, do water change and see how the anemones fare.
  14. wah make me regret i took too many from iwarna last thurs. otherwise, can get these at bargain price.
  15. ev-120 is not big enough if u r going to keep fishes and sps. im using it on my 3x2x2.5 tank onli becos the other units cannot fit due to height restrictions. i prefer those that dun have mechanical parts like aquac or beckett. i believe all these good brands like aquac, h n s, euroreef, diy beckettts, etc are on par so ur consideration should be on space, noise, capital investment, maintenance, parts ,etc. after prioritising them, i ended up with aquac on the top of my shopping list. cheers!
  16. sugi, im no expert in resun so best not to advise you if can or cannot but if i have ur tank configuration, i will go for a resun cl-650 provided ur sump is not as big as ur tank.
  17. no lah. even pat school house is above 1k for full day rite?
  18. tansh, here are the parameters that i juz took. cl-650 using eheim 1260 from sump to UV to chiller IN and chiller OUT to sump last compartment which contains the return eheim 1260. set at 26 ca at -1 ambient temp around 29-31 depending on if i close the balcony door and mh light with 1x250W SE 20K bulb on, 2x30W t5, 1xPL 11W, 2xeheim1260, 1xrio2100, 1xeden228, 1xsicce extrema, 1xboxer 1500l/h powerhead and 1xtunze6060 all running, water temp is 27.8 when chiller kicks in. chiller temp shows 28 for a minute or two. chiller stops after 40 mins. chiller temp shows 26 for a split second before it hits 27. water temp is 25.9 but immediately jumped to 26.2. suspect my cheapo digital termometer not so accurate. without mh, the chiller takes less than 30 mins. on a cool breezy day, can be 15 mins. cheers!
  19. bottom line for me is: 1. full day childcare is better than baby sitter becos the former provides more enriching experience whereas the latter is just minding the kids. 2. from what i heard, PAP is no good in terms of lesson, discipline, etc. then again, it depends on individual centres cos some may have more bullies, juz like schools. my 4 year old kid is at learning vision at YCK for full day. he gets exposed to various activities, reading, etc and his chinese went from zero to better than me cos they have mainland teachers. monthly rates for public is 450+ after govt subsidy but i pay 250 thereabouts cos of company subsidy 3. if u can afford it, send to enrichment classes during weekends but dun overdo it cos it can be taxing to a small kid. i select one that i heard is good and stick to it. i suggest full day child care centres but each centre has different principle/teachers/students so a PAP centre that is lousy in one ares does not mean lousy in another. i also dun believe in overdoing it like going to those expensive child care centres which cost >1k a month.
  20. if they have not changed the unit, maybe u should juz ask for another unit to test. if still cannot work, then get the refund and we all get wiser on the resun specs although i still suspect urs is faulty.
  21. never seen it before. how cheap is cheap? BO have?
  22. guess i cannot run away from the inevitable cos my tank is now stocked with SPS and once they stabilise and start to really grow, im gonna have a hard time keeping up with the calcium levels. lookin for a CHEAP set. the last of my cash was gone at iwarna last nite and some bros place the past 2 weeks so please... if u have a CR that u r willing to let go at low low price, do PM me. incl where it came from, how old, still working?, what is included/exclude etc. cheers! p.s. sponsors, if u have new units that can cater to a budget man like me, drop me a PM, thanks.
  23. im counting MAX volume juz to show that Ivcap actual vol will never be over the cl-650 specs.
  24. Ivcap, ur max total volume is 420l (main tank) + 340l (sump) = 760l. even if u take out the live rock and sand bed volume, cl-650 is still over rated to handle 760l of water. have they swop the chiller for u to test? best way is to do that OR put ur chiller to ur sump only, ie dun run the return and test the chiller cooling power cos my total water volume is around 350l and if the cl-650 cannot cool ur sump within 30 mins (my cl-650 can), then confirm chiller problem. one more thing, is ur chiller very well ventilated? my teco used to lose efficiency if the area is not well ventilated. once i open the balcony window and door, then it is ok.
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