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Jimng last won the day on May 23 2019

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    Reef Aquarium

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  1. Your 110g reef tank was an inspiration for many including myself My tank had its ups and downs....still a lot to learn which makes this hobby so addictive.
  2. Very nice tank and setup, the sps guru is back fast and furious...
  3. Please becareful of the bank of power connections below, if hangon refugium overflow or water drip on it, very bad situation can happen.
  4. Very nice, colourful, fat and healthy Trigger to let go @ $45, eats anything, been with me for 2yrs plus, 5-6 inch. getting too big for my tank. Wa: 98485420, collection 550526
  5. Love the images of the montis...
  6. Encrusted, colored up and stable sunset monti frags x2 fs - WA: 98485420 Pickup - 550526 1st frag - $45 2nd frag -$30
  7. Sunset monti to trade? - Frag from this colony. Let me know if you are ok.
  8. Sure bro, let me know when it's ready....will definitely like to know how the monti caps turn out in a full zeovit system. Cheers.
  9. Update (I am out of all the frags) : 1. Striking Blue/Purple Polyp Monti Cap SOLD OUT 2. Pink Polyp Green Base Monti Cap SOLD OUT 3. Blue Monti Cap (Now deep purple with light green base)- am not able to bring out the blue color. SOLD OUT 4. Dark purple monti Cap SOLD OUT 5. Pastel Purple monti Cap SOLD OUT Next Fragging will be in another 3-6mths. Thanks for all the interest. Cheers.
  10. Hi Joseph....all is well, thanks....we haven't met up for quite a while. Hope all is well for you and your family too. Cheers.
  11. Hi Zorden.....that's nice of you...Thks....btw...yr Ozoniser works like a charm. Thumbs Up. Sorry was overwhelmed by the PMs, Updates on the frags left: 1. Striking Blue/Purple Polyp Monti Cap - OUT OF FRAGS 2. Pink Polyp Green Base Monti Cap - 2 frags left 3. Blue Monti Cap (Now deep purple with light green base)- am not able to bring out the blue color. - 1 frag left 4. Dark purple monti Cap - 2 frags left 5. Pastel Purple monti Cap - 2 frags left So sorry for those who didn't managed to reserve the 1st Cap....Will let it grow out more before fragging again.
  12. Have a frag of PPE for trade with Nuclear Green or Purple Death (Not for Sale or other Frag Trade). If you have the frag for trade, please pm me. Thanks.
  13. If keen, just pm me with your contact/number and the frag combination u want.....i will go according to the PM order to provide the frags for. Collection will be Serangoon Lor Chuan Area. Thanks for looking.
  14. 4. Dark purple monti Cap 5. Pastel Purple monti Cap
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