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Everything posted by puppet

  1. can try dipping it into hotpot, sure open haha jokes aside, it should release its grip when it feels safe again, try placing it with the clamped chopstick in a dimmer area with not much human traffic and leave it alone for sometime
  2. getting a sump tank would be excellent as you would be able to access it and clean it. A cannister filter if uncleared for sometime will eventually become a nitrate factory
  3. On a side note, online has very good reviews about orphek When i went to orphek website, it says that we have a Singapore distributor, anyone knows where we can get it from? Many thanks
  4. Care to elaborate abit more? thanks
  5. I think not many have both maxspect and ecolamp. To give u a good comparison they would need to have both. I know ketchup and desi have the ecolamp though.
  6. 7PM usually but when shipment comes in, they close later, I remember once they closed around 9pm due to shipment. Thurs they usually have a shipment of fishes from bali, so they might close late today
  7. What are the colours? How much do they usually go for? cheers
  8. desi can pm me how much these batch of SS cost?
  9. If it is a broad specturm antibiotic, it might also engage your other beneficial bacteria like those denitrifying and nitrifying bacteria etc?
  10. Hi CFOh could you pm me the price for this bluespot jawfish and the size? Many thanks
  11. I grow them in my refugium, but they arent really fast growers and require some iron dosing. I also keep the grape calupera (spelling?) which tangs love. But i used them more for nutrient export and a place to grow pods. Like what unltd mentioned, in the east u can get them from ah beng and iwarna.
  12. ok now we have cicumstantial evidence, all we need is to find the culprit set a trap and lure the culprit out, if there is one to begin with We see a pattern here, the serial murderer must have had a traumatic experience with yellow wrasse, now manifested into uncontrollable act. This is wat happens when u watched too much CSI zzz
  13. May I asked whether the fishes dead belong to the same types? As in are they all bottom dwellers? like gobies or they stay near to the rock crevices? like blennies Or is your victims are a mixture of free swimmers and the bottom and middle section dwellers. Usually hitchhikers predators like crabs/ mantis/ super alien worms aren't really free swimming, if your fishes are found dead near certain regions of the tank with missing parts, u might have a predator, not 100% though. One way to find out, lay a trap at night
  14. Iwarna still has 2 pieces i think but its rather above your asking price if i am not wrong. But I see them opening already almost all the time and healthy
  15. I am using the dosing pump too. There are some coral food that doesnt really require refridgeration after open. I am using the kent marine series, if i didnt remember wrongly its called kentmarine mircovert and kentmarine zooplankton. These 2 doesnt require chilling after opening, but of course with chilling, it last longer, but for me, it usually finishes in a month. cheers
  16. I came down to buy both the tribars and blue stripe actually, but you were faster, and joe advised me against it, he said both of you killed countless. After you shared that it really isn't easy, I am glad I didnt buy it, the fishes have a higher chance with you guys. Looking forward to good news from your clowns, would like to be first on the list to buy your F1s
  17. sorry But this conversation insterest me, pardon my intrusion and possibly very noob questions. 1) Are you guys saying that cleaner shrimps can swap their gender? 2) Are you guys saying that cleaner shrimps spawn rather easily in our aquarium and that adds on as food for the livestock? Thanks alot for taking time to read this
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