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Everything posted by tofubox

  1. Very nice tank bro. Good to see u have come a long way. Your patience is very admirable! Just read through your thread. Any full tank shot? Love to see the depth of the tank with corals etc
  2. Dont have to if u change water regularly. For a tank that small, i did change 10% every 2 days, Small effort required for nano tanks to get good water quality. From the picture, i doubt u can find a nano skimmer that will fit to the back of the filtration system.
  3. Very nice scape! Whats the tank dimensions?
  4. Check out the sponsors thread, aquamarin/madpetz/delighting and couple other LFS carries them
  5. Just different manufacturer using different quality of resins. Apparently there is some sort of difference in resins. For example theres crystal pro, and crystal pro power. Slight cost difference, but the LFS person told me power can last twice as long. No idea if its true. Decided to go for madpetz Zero Resins, seems more straight forward. I'm satisfied with their resins so far.
  6. Great pump! Best to buy and try different placements till you are satisfied. I've seen alot of tanks who have them opp sides by not facing each other. Eventually u can get the jebao twin controller if any LFS bring in, or can order to get the syn up.
  7. Good idea, Share with us if the DIY does work and more cost efficient
  8. Its complicated but once its up and running, pretty much stable and maintains your parameters well. Good thing about dosing is actually being able to be very precise with what u require. Also gives u more options in terms of what u can add to the tank. Alot of people like the balling method hence they go with dosing instead. Takes awhile to actually find the amount required to dose for your specific tank too. Used to run a CR, but i gave up and went with dosing in the end, not because i think CR is bad, but because i downgraded to a smaller tank, and a huge CR + Co2 Tank + PH Controller + Peristaltic Pump was just an overkill for me. Dosing was a cheaper alternative. With my nano tank, so much easier to control the parameters with dosing. For a larger tank, Cr is a good option.
  9. Really nice choice of equipment, u seem all ready! How about adding a reactor for phosphate remover media? An auto top off system? Any filter sock/ Filter wool? Perhaps a chamber for biomedia (probably not necessary if u already have DSB + Live rocks in sump) I'm sure the 160w will be fine for 4ft, u could hang it higher, and go for more intensity of the leds. For return, internal or external, i guess it depends on how much plumbing u want + how much space u have. Both do the same job afterall. External good as it reduces the heat generated in the tank, you wont have to deal with scrubbing off coralline algae, if it so happens to grow on. Internal pump will be my preference, I just don't like the idea of something leaking and flooding my house, Also if u plan on going external pump, make sure u get ball valves to control the return so u can take it out for servicing. Alternative to calcium or kalk reactor is dosing system. Good luck, you'll enjoy your tank for sure.
  10. Nice bro. Well if you think your bioload is too high, or u interested in getting more fishes, than upgrading will certainly help. Right now it seems reasonably stocked for a 2ft, i wont add another tang to a 2ft though. Algae growing doesn't absolutely have to mean its your phosphates being too high. Are you using RODI water for your salt mix? If too high silicate, could attribute to algae growth too. Get a test kit for phosphates, and you can tell if thats the problem. Also, new tanks will using go through a diatom phase where u get some algae growth, this is where u need to be more diligent with your husbandry, like water changes, siphoning detritus, scrubbing the walls of your tank. New tank syndrome can last for a month or two, once everything stablised, it will eventually grow Caroline algae. Adding rowaphos in a media bag is a good idea if you don't have the room for reactors. Its still better than not doing anything about it. If your cheato is turning brown or dying off, best to remove it bro. Its gonna release back nutrients into the water. Whats the flow and lighting like over the cheato? In terms of corals, there really isn't any fancy equipment needed. The main idea over equipment is to control or input a certain parameter that is lacking. If you having nitrate problems than try using biopellets, if you lack the room, try probiotic dosing, like prodibio biodigest, biotim, brightwell's microbacter 7/ biofuel, Polylab Genesis/fuel. But like James mentioned, all it takes is a good skimmer, run some rowaphos and water changes to manage a 2ft tank, nothing fanciful.
  11. If TDS reads 0, than it really is pure and feasible for reef.
  12. Personally i did recommend keeping anthias like dispars, bartletts or lyretails and blue/green chromis. Gives a good mix of both pink and bluish green
  13. Good advise from your supplier. I personally also use H2Ocean, and believe a lot of reefers here too. Haha, dosing is basically adding all the required supplements that will be used up by the corals. If u stocking low on corals, don't worry too much about it, a 7ft tank is definitely going to be really stable. Slowly you'll let the dark side pull you in, but lets leave that to much later, haha. Tangs are great choices, especially in such a big tank, they make good display. Schooling fish looks best in big tanks too. I can understand your headache, you are spoilt for choices! Right now, cant wait to see what you have in mind for the aquascape!
  14. I think hes already ordered 3 x 120w Led from china. I guess u can see how good they are and do a review to share with the rest of us! Yeah the bigger u go, everything also need to upsize, certainly not cheap at all, more water volume per water change too. Eventually you will also need to invest in a calcium reactor if any plans to keep sps, I'm assuming a dosing system on a 7ft would be a killer? Anyway, looking for any workers? Will be great to have such a tank in my office. If i had this tank, i did keep all sorts of anthias and chromis. hehe
  15. Wow same thoughts evo. lol, same timing of post.
  16. Dream tank dimensions. Is that chiller gonna be sufficient?
  17. GBTA sold to a kind reefer! Thanks all for interest. Mod pls assist closing thread.
  18. Really nice zoas!!! nice lighting n photography
  19. I am using the wp25 too for a 2ft x 1.5ft. I am using on W1S2, Love it. I'm running bare bottom though. Was shock at the amount of detritus build up i got after going barebottom. Waves did a good cleaning of my rocks.
  20. Pirority of checks in my opinion: New tank: Ammonia-->Nitrite-->Nitrate After cycled: TDS--->Specific gravity-->Nitrate-->PH Established tank with corals: TDS-->Specfic Gravity-->KH/PH-->CA-->MG-->Nitrate/Phosphate . U will realise soon that nitrate/phosphate work hand in hand. KH/PH/CA/MG work as a team! Nail all these, and u one step to the darkside. Invest in good test kits, A good handheld TDS meter, or Refractometer will cost about $40 each Rest of the test kits are depending on brand and parameter tested. I use salifert test kits. Off my back, i only remember 2 , KH to be $17, CA $30. As a beginner, go with the steps I've suggested. Or for new tanks, borrow test kits from friends or other reefers to test ammonia and nitrite, these will hardly be used after the tank is cycled. If u are patient, just leave the tank for a month or two to cycle, and u dont even have to test for the first 2. But of cause, stock slow after that. Investing in a good RO/DI, TDS, Refractometer, SALT, is half the battle won already
  21. Awesome pricing not to be missed! If only i had room for a 6ft. Ups for your sales bro
  22. Yeah, it took couple of days for my anthias to come out as well. At first it was due to my damsel chasing it around. Needless to say, I got the damsel out. Shortly after, my sunburst started coming out more and exploring the tank more. Eventually it sat in front of tank, seldom hiding. Sadly, i had to sell it off as I couldn't afford the nitrates caused by the daily frozen mysis.
  23. Hey guys, For those new to the hobby, found a really good video about live rocks. Pretty much answers all questions about live rocks, asides how to cure the rocks. http://youtu.be/MiqQ-NPYxSc Copy Rights: Majestic AquariumsTV
  24. Ups! Hope to clear soon as I will be selling off my qt tank. Price reduced to $25! Another picture
  25. Nice! looks very fresh water orientated, hope to see some marine tanks on display! Any of our sponsors will be there? More info will be great!
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