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Everything posted by Cherlolo

  1. Took a video of the lump, it start to have a bit of white moss like stuff now, looks like parasite...I donno, what do you guys think about it? trim.tXRccY.MOV
  2. Thanks for the advise. I was suspecting its bacteria too since the parasite way is not working. I have bought some anti-bacteria food, will feed it and montior...thanks again.
  3. Hi guys, I notice a lump on my clown, anyone knows what it is? Have QT it and fed with medicated food for parasite and treated the water with copper based solution for about a week. Doesn't show any improvements.
  4. This is my QT. It's small, light, easy to setup and keep, cheap and it works for me.
  5. What is the length of the light set?
  6. Is this also call the magenta dotty back? If yes, u can try ah beng
  7. You can do a search online for Arctica chiller user manual. Its in PDF. All instructions are there.
  8. Hi guys, Bought a plug of zoas recently, so any idea how to transfer it to a bigger rock? And must it be live rocks or can a dead rock do it? Thanks.
  9. In bane's tank the puffer is potential food, in mine, he's king...haha
  10. Am the new owner of the green puffer, have 2 turbo snails, puffer doesnt bother them. Shrimp wise yet to find out.
  11. Really? Wow...then I wonder what does the 5 years cover, cos that's what was written in the quotation...hmmm...
  12. Hi, Thanks for the offer. Wkday or wkend is good for you?
  13. Hi everyone, New to the hobby and I'm looking for some live rocks for my 4ft tank. I already have about 1/3 tank of dead rocks, need some live rocks to revive them. Any kind soul got some to donate do PM if there's any available. Thanks
  14. Hi everyone, New to the hobby and I'm looking for some live rocks for my 4ft tank. I already have about 1/3 tank of dead rocks, need some live rocks to revive them. Any kind soul got some to donate do PM if there's any available. Thanks
  15. If no takers, maybe LFS will take?
  16. Might be reaching for light source. Most anemone need strong light.
  17. its a sabae anomone, pink color is dyed. I got a bleached one. feeding well though, but donno how long will it survive.
  18. could be a long tentacle anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis)
  19. I got a Sebae Anemone after reading that percula sometimes host in them but for mine, no luck until I got a GBTA, it host it within the same day. Great! but next morning, the GBTA hid at the back of the tank where the clowns can't reach..dame.. :blink: ...so bottom line, you need some luck and sh*t load of patience in this game of matching. Clowns will host BTA, question is when. Patience patience patience... P.S. Please don't abandon your clowns or anemone just because they don't get together. No difference in abandoning your pet dog or cat or whatever you have.
  20. I got mine from N30, pricing is resonable, what attacts me was their warranty from leakage.
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