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Everything posted by s0n1c87

  1. I normally WC every month 20%. other than that. I clean my filter flossing every wk.
  2. I'll vote for led. Smaller save space and cheaper on electricity bills.
  3. Maybe can consider hailea H28a 1/10 chiller.. its not too bad. cheap and gd i wuld say.
  4. Wah. Nice setup. Wish my tank was this big. :s
  5. 1/10 wuld be better. Hailea is a cheap and gd alternative
  6. I had green puffers too. They are in marine condition now. Doing great.
  7. I'm using a sunsun 3000L/hr for my 2.5tank. It's just cheap and gd I would say. But abit bulky looks.
  8. Wow. Your DIY light looks amazing man. If only I'm as creative as u. Hehe.
  9. Hi Santa. This new method looks great. Was reading up ur posts at monsterfishkeeper forum. I'm all set to try this newer method instead now.
  10. Can find yonghua for JB. Not bad workmanship. Cheaper than all the price quote in Sg. (y)
  11. Any advice.? Which LFS carry Toby puffer.?
  12. Its a fish only tank. Gonna add some liverocks in when i find it.
  13. Hi. I'm new to marine hobby. I came across this information abt Bennett's sharpnose puffer. Is there any shop in Sg selling this puffer.?
  14. Hi. I have a 2.5feets tank. How much flowrate of wave maker should I be looking for.?
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