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Everything posted by mohamed

  1. Tks, Bro. but will that solve the nitrate problem permanently. I am currently doing water changes regulalrly and recently added polyfilters. The nitrate levels seem not to budge. Perhaps a better skimmer will improve the conditions.
  2. Bro, I think, I'm facing the same problem. I dose DT regularly and noticed the drop of performance in PS. Now using AZ-NO3 to counter the problem. Dun know whether it will work. Contemplating into buying a needlewheel. Currently, using Weipro 2014.
  3. What's its requirements? It is a sps, right? I've just bought one and it's also not opening.
  4. Anymore to intro? Better to provide your name than ur nick.
  5. Bro, me from Pasir Ris. Near to fish farms. Why dun we start an intro. I'll start the ball rolling. Name : Mohd Add : Pasir Ris DOB : Jan 1975 Any other things to add on?
  6. Bro, I would rec. my contractor Winson hp :91000900. He is a direct factory supplier so price wise cheap. Quality is also good. U can contact him and compare quotes. Mohamed 96494715
  7. Bro, Interested. Got pictures or links to show. Remembered that it needs a holder or something to mount to the tank. Is that correct.
  8. How do u frag hammers? Wat tool to use? Any best method rec?
  9. Tks, Bro. BTW, do you switch your pumps, etc off when dosing?
  10. Sorry to interject. Wat's difference between the 3?
  11. Hi, You guys ever experience a foul smell when running MH without chiller on.
  12. Hi, Would like some advises on refugium photo period. 1. Currently on reverse lighting period. 2. And also using blue lights. Will there be any implications to these? Tks.
  13. Bro, can provide a full tank shot? Tks.
  14. Hi, Looking for the above? Anyone willing to sell ? Tks, Mohd
  15. Hi giantbicycle, Re those timers that u bought from carrefour, electronic ones. Cause I got mine there and planning to use them for my MH.
  16. Hi Bro, Been following ur thread. Wat's ur storerm's length? Would u want to build the tank in the storerm's walls?
  17. Hi Sis, Where did u get the lights from? Care to share.
  18. Hi Sis, Dun mind me asking. How much did you spend on the lights?
  19. Hi Bros, Anyone interested in the above? Not in usage anymore. Yr Jan 2001. Interested, pls revert. Tks. Rgds, Mohd.
  20. I hav a quote for aquamedic MH. It is highly rec. I also hav a quote for Arcadia MH. Both have in-built timers. But the latter is slightly cheaper as some of its parts are made in China. Do u hav others in mind.
  21. Hav u finally decided what to do, ie reconfigure or buy MH of ur requirement.
  22. Dr Evil, No offence but if anything goes wrong, will u take accountability. We're talking at least 150 W. But, if u re, by all means, carry on. I'm also interested in u DIYing. I get a PE to re-wire my house, for info. My comments, just to be on the safe side.
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