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Everything posted by lotu112

  1. Good news Gonna try AIO soon and not doubt it's effectiveness .
  2. Friendly bro who shares great info! Thumbs up for the nice tank setup too.
  3. Thanks guys. Yes those black thing. Look like it's poop, and when it does that the whole anemone will shrink. Seems like it uses alot strength to pass waste out . hehe
  4. Yes, its super bright and hot! Nice !!
  5. possible to share your tank maker contacts? Thanks.
  6. Bro, does minimising the light help with algae on the sand?
  7. where did you purchase your rose anemone from? Looks awesome
  8. Hi, have anyone experienced anemone discharging black substance that looks like poo/waste? Is this normal? Thanks.
  9. Cool. What is the colour of it under white light btw?
  10. Is there a pink yuma from the photo? Nice corals there.
  11. Had similar issues too and gotten the snails to solve my issue. Amazed by their cleaning . haha. Does your sandbed has brown algae too? I am seeing slow growth but still trying to find a way to retain the white sandbed.
  12. oh my. Scary prata.
  13. haha this is really interesting. Wonder if it will finish the prawn or just kill it and spit it out.
  14. heh. It made me spend really quite a bit of time looking at it everyday
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