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Everything posted by lotu112

  1. Nevertheless, the first and only coral in the tank.
  2. A bigger white Reef! Following your thread for more .
  3. Yes bro. Soon, after my diatom bloom finish Guess cycling still not yet completed
  4. Not sure if I am right, but i removed mine about 3 days later
  5. Solid ADA inspiration! Post more photos please.
  6. Would like to swop them for other small fishes. Pm me if keen.
  7. I just gotten some snails for my tank . it's like $1-2 per snail.
  8. Thanks Bro. Pardon me for one more question, any about foundation ABC+ ? Seems like it's in the middle of Foundation ABC & coloration program.
  9. Hello, wanted to check with the gurus here if Red Sea foundation A, B, C is sufficient for dosing needs if i were to keep SPS?
  10. so fun when the water looks clearer & clearer. camping here for more updates!
  11. Tested water parameters on third week of cycling: Temp 26 Ph 8.2 Kh 11.1 Salinity 1.025 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Current List of equipments: Skimmer: Skimz SN143 Lighting: Maxspect 120W Chiller: Hailea 28A Reactor: 2x TLF running bio-pellets, rowacarbon & Rowaphos Pump: Ehiem compact 3000 Wavemaker: Jebao RW4
  12. Transferred the prawns to the big tank and they seem so happy with a juicy starfish. Also gotten 3 fishes from a kind reefer bro. 2 x Blue with yellow tail fish. Damsel? 1 x six line wrasse.
  13. There's a cute heart on the body !
  14. I'm using maxspect razor 120w light
  15. Some snails to help clean the tank too.
  16. While waiting for the tank to complete cycling, gotten myself two little harlequin shrimp and a sand star for my pico.
  17. Test kits found. Mod please close this thread. Thanks.
  18. Item collected. Mods please close this thread. Thanks.
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