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Cardinal Tetra

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Everything posted by Cardinal Tetra

  1. My Steinitz Goby. Dont really see them in reefer's tanks. Is it rare?
  2. Tomato clowns are more towards the aggressive side. If you only intend to add damsels, it would be 'balanced' as damsels are semi aggressive, aka as gangster fish.
  3. I think the normal behaviour for firegobies is that they have a bolt hole (hole in LR) to retreat into when it feels threatened. It only comes out when there is light. The firegoby should swim around normally near its bolt hole. If it hides all the time, what zephyros said is right.
  4. Looking for a fan to cool my tank. It must be a clip on fan (I think profantic fans are clip on). Preferred to buy from sellers staying in the East.
  5. Looks like I have no choice but to use a 36WPL light for my 1ft fuge. Do I have to turn it on 24/7 or leave it on for a 8hrs? Blenny, interested in your marco algae if you stay near. Where do you stay?
  6. Yes you can, but it'll take a long time.
  7. There are 2 reasons why the water flowing into the sump is slow. First, your siphon pipe is too short, meaning the upside down U shape pipe is too short. This would cause a very small amount of gravitional force to push the water into the pipe. Secondly, your seahorse tank is too low and not much gravitional force can make the water flow into the sump.
  8. Materials used: 1. Acrylic for sump partition 2. Eggcrates 3. PVC Pipes 20mm for overflow pipe 16mm for return pipe *important* 4. Ball valve 5. PVC glue And not to forget lots of hardwork and planning. Let your imagination go wild! As long as the system is running smoothly and wont leak, you can do any piping connections you want. Planning is crucial for factors like electricity cut off, sump overflow storage etc.
  9. Here is the blueprints of my sump system. What I want to focus on is the T-joint from the return pump to main tank. If the ball valve is fully closed, water will return to the main tank. When the valve is opened, 90% of the water will return back into the filtration compartment, and a small amount will go into the main tank. Why? In the law of gravity, water will flow to the easiest route when the ball valve is opened. The flowrate of the return pipe can thus be adjusted, and in case of some unforseen circumstances, I can still divert water back from the sump to sump. All return pipes are 16mm PVC, overflow pipes are 20mm.
  10. My refugium is still empty. Still thinking of what marco algae to put inside. I don't like the idea of running another light for the fuge cos it will heat up my already heated tank of 30 degrees. Do all marcoalgae require light? Do red bamboo algae serve the same purpose as the other marco algae?
  11. Why are you wearing a SWAT uniform?
  12. I suggest you increase the water level. But make sure your sump can hold the additional water.
  13. Hi all, thanks for all the advices, I've decided not to go with the freshwater dip and have manually removed some of the flatworms. I plan to remove all of them and will only use the freshwater dip as a last resort. Right now I can't see any flatworms on the yumas. Hope they dont detach from the rock.
  14. The yumas just detach itself from the rock. Other than that, no other stress signs seen.
  15. It would be dangerous in my opinion because if the weight is not distributed properly, it defeats the purpose of having the styrofoam in the first place. It would be catasatropic if the tank starts to tilt to the front after a period of time. To minimise the ###### sound in the overflow pipe, use an end cap with a small hole drilled to the air pipe. Isn't it too fast to add in LS into your tank? Or did you take the pictures before but decided to post them now?
  16. Argh. I think its too late. Noticed that your styrofoam under the tank is not even. It may cause uneven distribution of the tank weight. Just a point to take note. Overall nice setup, are you using an overflow box or pipe? The pics make me feel liket restarting my tank again.
  17. I have manually removed 3 of those pests using a sharp tweezer. May I know how long did you dip in freshwater?
  18. May I know where is the collection point? Thanks.
  19. Hi, is there any way I could meet you at Jurong MRT station, or somewhere in the Central area if you happen to pass by there? Thanks!
  20. Thanks Fuel for your advice and information. I am thinking since my skimmer is 'underpowered', I do not have to turn off the skimmer. I have also placed one of the detached yuma into my refugium without flow and low lights. I hope it will reattach to the rock there. One more disturbing encounter is that I just discovered flatworms on my yumas. Should I do a freshwater dip of 1 min?
  21. I finally found a thread on reefcentral that fits the description. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...&highlight=yuma So far there is no cure.
  22. Update: It is about 2mm in length, worm like. I think it is nudi? But I thought it only attacks on zoos? Please help.
  23. I was taking a look at my rock of yumas when I spotted some brown creatures on my yumas, that crawl away when I try to pick them. Its too small to describe but its around the size of the head of a pin. Could that be the reason why my yumas are slowly detaching itself from the rock? What should I do? Freshwater dip for 1 min?? Please need help.
  24. I've decided to keep mushrooms and yumas on my existing 3x1.5x1.5ft tank. Just need to ask some questions from the experts here. First, some specifcations of my current tank Tank 3x1.5x1.5ft Sump 24"x12"x14" Refugium 14"x9"x10" Lighting 2x39W T5 HO (10000k & Blue Pro) + Dymax 1x30W T5 NO Blue Skimmer Weipro SA2011 + Atman 104 Pump Return pump TOM 800 Oceanfree internal power filter (for flowrate in tank) Water Params Temp 30'C No other info available Fishes 1x yellowtail damsel 1x firegoby 1x Steinitz Goby 1x diadem dottyback 4x chromis 1x cleaner shrimp Corals 1x yumas 1x unknown coral from LR Tank running for 4+ months now I plan to get a fan to cool my water temp to 28'C. I bought a rock of yumas a few months ago and noticed that some of the yumas have detached itself from the LR. One reefer said it was reproducing, not really sure about that.... Ok, now I want to ask is: 1. is my lighting too high for mushrooms? 2. what are the conditions for keeping them? 3. do mushrooms/yumas require feeding? or just light alone? 4. is my current yuma really reproducing or dying? I've never fed it before. 5. what other points did I miss out? High current flow etc?
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