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Everything posted by Rocky99

  1. where to buy eheim 1264? can it be used for beckett?
  2. buyer MIA. up for sale again.
  3. Rio32HF for $85, bought at $115 2mth old, use for 1 wk only very efficient pump 8000Lph at 120W
  4. Correction, its not x3x1.5x1.5 3ft(L)X1.5ft(W)X2ft(H) 10mm glass, full eurobracing. IOS(for 25mm and 16 mm pipes) at 80dollars free diy cabinet provide ur own transport
  5. its certainly a good buy, with so many freebies and extended warranty. but let's also consider its competitor d70s, which comes with longer and more expensive lens, and larger LCD. no intention to start a debate of nikon vs canon.
  6. excellent stuff, but packaging? don't don't hold the tin with wethands...
  7. not sure you'll get airlocking or not if you put too much rowa inside. had this problem when using a 2000Lph pump. endup, i had to flush out the air out using a rio20hf(5000Lph). on the other hand, u save trouble with less frequent replacements if you put more rowa.
  8. upz. good deal. bulbs and PLs alone add up cost more than the selling price liao
  9. thanks bro. i got corals and clam inside. the AT looks better today, less spots. prbly cos the wrasses is treating it. btw, it turns grayish white when it's undergoing treatment. interesting. thanks bro, here i come
  10. i used to run my beckett with a rio32hf, with no tee-off. i think can this can be considered as high pressure application. some vibrations can be heard but only when the cabinet door is open. was wondering could it be that your pump is defective? have you ever opened up the pump and check the inside and did you assemble properly after that? did you use the suction cups to secure the pump in place to make sure that it is not vibrating against some hard like glass to create the noise. my md55 also got some noise when i ran it. until i raised the water level in the sump to a few more inches higher. u can try raising the water level in your sump, as that might lighten the suction load on your pump and reduce vibrations. juz my 2cts
  11. i use ozone without an ORP controller. 6mths already, so far nothing died because of it. ozone not only makes my water clearer, it also turns my skimmate lighter, and odourless.
  12. very compact. 4 ballvalves, 3 Tees and 2 elbows will take up a lot more space.
  13. thanks bro. my AT kena ich. i dunno what i can do. i know of 3 methods. garlic, medication and hyposalinity. AT not feeding well so garlic wont work. if use hyposalinity or medication, i got to catch the fish and put it in a qt which i dun have... and i scared traumatise the fish too much.... big head... ache
  14. any idea where to get those big cleaner shrimps? my fish got ich....
  15. sorry bro, anemone and fish reserved currently
  16. upz price drop to 15 want to clear asap. anemone to sell at 2 dollars.
  17. one set of 150W plug and play pendant MH for sale. Free 3bulbs - 6.5k osram. 1wk old, Eye 20kk. 5mth old, and dymax 10kk All at $90. PM if interested.
  18. show us some pic of your config. then we got better idea..
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