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Everything posted by taylapong

  1. WTS Beckett Skimmer, 26"x8". Can't remember brand, cos I bought it a couple of years ago (anyone who can advise please do!) for a 4 foot tank but never got down to setting up! Specs: Dimensions- 26"(Height) x 8" (diameter) Price- $200 neg Condition- never used before PM me or SMS me at
  2. Bro, how old is the tank? How often do you clean/replace the insides of the internal filter? I'm also exploring if I could run a simple tabk without a sump and perhaps just simple filtration too. Great looking setup!
  3. Bump! Has anyone tried this method to reef keeping? I find it very counter-intuitive, but that's good cos it does challenge our beliefs. Too often there's so much info (sometimes conflicting), we lose track of why we so certain things. 100% water changes, simple in-tank filter, bare bottom. Any thoughts?
  4. Thanks for the input evolutionz... I went to check out the overflow box online. Quite a neat idea! Except I'm trying to keep things really simple and only have a table too to work with. Let me sit on this a little and dream up some stuff. Thanks for the suggestion!!
  5. Wow nicreef, sorry to hear man. Didn't know things would get so drastic when the pump stopped!! I wasn't planning to stock mine up crazy eithe but that's a lesson for me to learn man. I wasn't thinking of sump cos I want a table top tank. Something small, simple, almost zen, y'know? I'll def be careful against overstocking! Was wondering if any reefers had experience with HOB and nano tanks. Good idea? Sustainable? I quite like the IOS approach too but that'll take more DIY.
  6. Ahhh so that's why hey haven't been around! I've got one sitting at home man. Looks likens wont be able to sell it off!!
  7. Hi reefers, I've been away from the hobby for a long time and wanna come back... Wondering if Beckett skimmers are still popular now? They used to be the rage!
  8. Well, I was thinking of just using a fan or possibly an ice probe (if available) I love simplicity- love the lure of bonsai inspired reefs or even the upside down concept reef (http://reefbuilders.com/2010/07/31/upside-nano-reef-john-ciotti/). Long way to go in terms of aquascaping skills but gotta start somewhere!! What filtration would you go with if I got an ADA?
  9. Wow the cube mini sure is a beauty man. Definitely something to aim for. I was thinking more table top up to 1.5ft. If I do go for ADA which filtration is recommended? HOB? Canister? IOS (DIY with some silicone)? Internal filter? Anyone tried the aquastyle?
  10. Hey brothers/sisters, Have you guys seen this before? http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2010/4/aquarium Wondering if you have any idea if this works well, or if you have tried it before? Looks quite like a good idea, given that it's very low-consumption approach to things...
  11. Hey everyone, I'm looking at coming back into the hobby... gave up a few years ago... was thinking of going Nano, but the number of tanks out there is phenomenal... wanted to ask all you experienced reefers if you've any suggestions... I've got a few combinations that I'm considering, but please feel free to add to this if you have suggestions! Combo 1: ADA tank with HOB filter Combo 2: Custom made nano with IOS filtration Combo 3: Ehiem Aquastyle Aquarium, modifying LED lights. Basically I want to keep things small, neat, and clutter free, so I'm leaning towards frequent water changes as opposed to getting the works like a protein skimmer, FR etc. Probably nothing too big, max 1.5ft kind size. Please share your advice and where I can get them!!
  12. How much would a DIY RO/DI unit cost? I'm also asking about the hyflux (fix on tap) filter because I already have it. Figured if suitable or wouldn't cost me much more
  13. Hey guys, thinking of taking up reeding again but have been too far removed from the hobby. The question is: Is it possible to use the hyflux water filters for mixing of saltwater/top up? What other affordable alternatives are there out there in getting around this? (As opposed to expensive RO systems)
  14. davidluvfishes> have you ever put in a fish, then suay suay kenna disease then tank wipe out?
  15. ok, if i set up a quarantine, which are the most important factors/water parameters that i need to keep the same? or, do i just leave them in the quarantine, and then introduce them like described above? ie. put in a little water from main tank at a time, then finally introduce?
  16. Hey guys, I tried searching the forums to see if there was a "best" way to introduce fish into the tank. For example, some suggest floating hte plastic bag, or dripping water from the main tank into the bag. Some also say cannot use nets, while others pour everything intoa holding container first. basically, i'm a little confused as to the best way... Do you quarantine? For how long? What's in the tank? How'd you get it feeding? Do you make sure it's feeding before you release it into your tank? How about inverts- corals, shrimp etc? any special way? Ok. I know it's a lot of questions, but i'm hoping they will give you a rough idea of what i'm unsure of. Thanks!!!
  17. how about adding recirculating needlewheels to the side of the beckett? would that help? hehe.. like a beckett-needlewheel hybrid?
  18. what's the link to this method? and hor, how come all the test kits give diff reading?? hehe...
  19. cool.. thanks.. i'll go check it out...
  20. HEy guys, anyone knows where I can get a nice set of those overflow "teeth"? the ones that prevent livestock from going down your overflow?
  21. woah... you're quite inspiring man! good work there...
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