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Everything posted by Ancelot

  1. YUP! still available.. personally got one yeah?! and right now happily swimming in my lightless tank... lolx..
  2. hmm..then it should be selling like hot cakes right?
  3. how many of these gobies left in there especially the neon eviota!???
  4. AH BER! hmm... if i dont go down tml, terry can get one for me? i pay you back on monday when i collect from you?
  5. WOAH! thats cute! think tml going to get it.. hope not too ex then can get another one! lolx.. haiz.. this month really crazy over gobies le! lolx.. hope Mother Nature will forgive us! lolx..
  6. WOOT!! JUST LEAVE ONE FOR ME! i dont need a whole company! just one.. anyway how much is it?
  7. can surf the net and find the pic and show us? i also very keen to know how it looks like!!
  8. terryz!! can get one for me!! i pay you back but with receipt otherwise ask edwin reserve one for the catholic jc guy!! thats me lolx..
  9. REALLY?? i should have asked him manz!! next time i know who to target le.. haha.. yeah..promote sales for him! lolx.. he is really a nice man.. i am not ###### up to him but wherever i go, he surely tell me whats the LS and show me around especially about the peppermint shrimps.. appreciate that! thanks steven!
  10. i dont think there are 20 there.. buy two soon you have a colony!! lolx..
  11. WAHAHAHA... oh steven is the boss?! i tot he is just a customer! oops.. i think i better heed what flubberina13 says.. " walls got ears.." anyway can someone answer my gobies' question.. my target section.. thanks..
  12. 2.5 cm??!!! thats really small! lolx. i must say that the small angels are really sweet and cute.. lolx.. best it stays that size but grows fat.. haha.. then it would be so chubby!! Regarding to the Loretos, yeah still alot left! no worries plenty to go around.. hmm.. steven the guy in specs? lolx..
  13. WOOT! HMM... so i must go back to bac and get another piece?? hmm.. see how.. cos i want one goby of the rare and uncommon species in singapore.. so far my targets are : yashias, hectors (lost 2 to crab), randali (is this common? plz comment), neon eviota ( never seen this goby before can someone post its pic? couldnt find it anywhere not even fishindex! ), Eviota Pellucida.. thats all.. hope prices dont be too ex! lolx.. and ya! NEON golden gobies! hopefully get those from carribeans.. lolx..
  14. OH MAN!!! HECTOR!! AND SO MANY MORE!!! I WANT THEM.. haha.. dont snatch with me!! i want!! lolx.. okie shant be a baby here otherwise the bros will despise me le! flubberina13: isnt that angel cute? i really like it a lot.. but thinking i can only go for small fishes makes me turn it down.. but nvm once you dont want i take it! lolx..
  15. you want PL?? i got one for sale! sms me for the price.. 98571283..
  16. then i dont think my pump can do it unless i supply it with a control valve and an air pump cos my PH air inlet is a default one.. somehow pushing water out of it.. crazy manz!
  17. so the needlewheel impeller basically pushes the water faster through the venturi in which this means by chopping up the air bubbles la? so do you supply the air bubbles before the venturi or after the venturi? can sms me this is my hp 98571283 want to talk to you about it.. thanks.. am i right to say that?? if right then i go diy myself one.. not quite happy with my macro.. lolx..
  18. anyway anyone saw any yashias around?? dying to get my hands on two of these fellas... i dont mind starving for 2 weeks if i have to spend my money to buy them...
  19. Paiseh bro deepblue.. really cockster yesterday night.. sorry.. YEAH! i got myself on piece of the goby! really cute and plump.. got two different prices.. $3* for the small ones $4* for the big ones.. i must say the small ones do not have a red head as that of the big ones! lolx.. the big ones really have a BIG RED head! lolx..(its like this... )lolx.. hmm.. update abit on LCK110 LS: red head gobies true royal gamma aka loreto! one big comet lots of peppermint shrimps flame angels (i saw one baby falme really sweet and cute!!!) dispar anthias foxfaces triggerfishes carribean neon gobies (really wanted to get one but broke liao ) firefishes elegance firefishes yellow head jawfishes some moray eels reidi seahorses narcicuss snails.. (did i spell wrongly?? i think i did! ) camel shrimps a yellow tang at the back banggai cardinals and many many more... hmm... i think thats about all that i can remember.. quite a long list le i think.. enough info for everyone?
  20. sorry people, i really do not understand how this needle impeller suppose to work.. for example if we fix a needle impeller to our pumps, shouldnt it be just chopping up the water? if its chopping up the water then where does the tiny bubbles come from? my skimmer is a venturi skimmer. The air inlet for the skimmer is on the skimmer not the pump itself.. so i was thinking how does your impeller suppose to improve the size of the bubbles when the air inlet is on the skimmer and not the pump? isnt that modifying the impeller is just mainly to chop up the water? so whats the difference??? if anyone can explain this, also provide pics for me to see...hopefully i understand!!! thanks~
  21. what kind of a red head gobies? and how much? more expensive than neon? and the loreto how much too?? thanks.. cant wait to go down! lolx..
  22. I just laid a trap to get that crab! DEFINITELY going down the drain! probably in the BIG BIG hole in nicole highway! lolx.. yeah i got my rain and hectors eating but then the blasted crab got them! darn it!
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