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Everything posted by diabolus

  1. buaya!! is it the police loti chia? u travelling along woodlands ave 12? *expletive*...dat stretch of road famous for stealth camera one! all mounted on the back of the loti chia! best part is the speed limit is onli 50 KPH!!! Good Luck!
  2. hold ur fire guys. lets not turn this into a flame war.
  3. bro.. want ur live rocks.. pmed you.
  4. been there! then dunno how to post and share wif us lah...
  5. try using a wet vacuum cleaner to suck it out. just a suggestion.
  6. the protector of mankind has spoken. pls respect his views.
  7. right... below is a list of petrol stations offering a massive 13% discount on all grades of petrol! 1. Esso (Near Queensway Shopping Centre) 2. Mobil (juz after holland rd flyover towards commonwealth. 3. Mobli at bt timah heading toward nee ann poly. 4. Esso at bt timah heading toward city 5. BP after newton, heading toward bt timah 6. Shell Upper Thomson (near Casuarina) 7. Mobil Upper Thomson (near Casuarina) happy driving!
  8. bwilly, luckily ur butt is safe now! wahahahha... Liverpool won 3-0!
  9. still dare to say.,..make mi go all the way there...
  10. y do i see this pic in yahoo auctions? best part is the advertiser have some female name or email address like candy or something?
  11. OMG!!!! CHOW CHOW!! eh princess.. wanna trade? my boston terrier for your chow chow! hahahhaha.....
  12. the pressure from the turbo in the s40 will not be strong enuff to make the BOV heard from outside.
  13. dats the first time i brought him to sentosa to swim... now hes used to it liaoz.
  14. nah...hes just mad about it!
  15. i see someone talking to himself... 5 msgs at one shot...
  16. if LFC fails today... im going to kick your butt!
  17. huh! how are u going to afford your $20k downpayment for your RX-8 then? wat u planning now? rob a bank?
  18. ok...heres mine... Name : Rascal breed : Boston Terrier ###### : can't..already castrated so far only seen 3 in SGP... recognise by AKC.
  19. next time we bring out all the unwanted bio balls and go "pak go li" with it ok?
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