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Everything posted by spicyball

  1. Oh...just to add..i'm giving away 2 trochus snail to the buyer as well..
  2. There are five..2 more could not be seen in the pic and can see one more behind rite..It is slightly smaller than the size of an outstretch hand.
  3. Selling this rock with several mushrooms as well as two look-alike mushrooms thing which i think are anemones. Selling for $8
  4. Hmm..does anybody know when do they have the most corals?.. ..dun want to go all the way there to find empty tanks ard
  5. Hi..what brand is ur skimmer??..can it be hanged outside the tank?
  6. Tjy...maybe he is just suspecting u r an alias that ah^siao created lah..
  7. Hi ppl..looking for a good condition hang-on venturi skimmer...if u have one to let...pls PM me thanks..
  8. A closer look...ignore the bubble pls..hee...this is the only close shot of the zoos i have... ...it is at the left hand side of the picture..
  9. A closer look...ignore the bubble pls..hee...this is the only close shot of the zoos i have... ...it is at the left hand side of the picture..
  10. Selling my big rock of zoos for $10 ---> It is the one at the left hand side of the picture
  11. oops..wanted to pm u but did not realise i was actually adding a reply here..
  12. Hi..i'm planning to get some hermit crab like blue-legged and left handed hermit crab...i read that they are peaceful tank inhabitants...anybody have exceptional experience with these creatures?...can they be kept with cleaner shrimp??
  13. Willing to sell all together for $20/...pm me for more details..
  14. This button...a perfect bridge structure.. going for $3
  15. this rock with some mushrooms...about the size of a full strecthed palm.. going for $4
  16. this rock with some mushrooms...about the size of a full strecthed palm.. going for $4
  17. A better pic of the bubble i have been selling..going for $16
  18. Oh if that's the case i gonna drop the idea in getting one liao
  19. Hi...Anybody know whether fire shimps are active creatures like cleaner shrimps??..thinking of buying one but i would not want to buy a shrimp that hides in the caves all the time...
  20. Huh..so would by having snails contribute to the nitrate problem??
  21. Hi Ash..how much did u pay for the blood shrimp..i'm thinking of getting one...
  22. Hey..where did u get that..very nice..
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