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  1. wow. the clown fish that is mostly white in the first pic is my choice. those other clowns with the varied markings are known here as picasso clown fish and a company in florida (OceansReefsAquariums) is attempting to breed that strain. here in the states Australia imports are illegal but we do have the black clown from the above mentioned company.
  2. blasto grow very slow so it will take some time for frag to grow even one new polyp. they frag pretty easy with a hand held dremmel tool (or any hand held electric drill).
  3. it looks bleached. what kind of light is it under?
  4. can you break off the bad branch? if it is the brown jelly infection it may take the whole coral out so it's better to frag the bad part asap.
  5. is it a galaxy coral? looks like one.
  6. thanx for the warm welcome.... i really don't like fish in my reefs all that much i suppose i am just weird that way. when i said i could not get rid of them i meant that i am attached to them so much i could not give them away. i have had them for several years now.
  7. at this point i have a pair fo true percula that i just could not get rid of when i tore my zoanthid tank down. other than that i have no fish.
  8. you do not need tyo ask me twice. this is kinda old but i still have all these guys and more. let me know what you think.
  9. i would agree with just about every one above. they can make really neat feilds of different shapes and colors when put next to each other.
  10. hey whats up there fellow reefers. i found this forum on a google search and it seemed like it would be fun sharing with reefers from another country so rock on and hello. btw i have a 37 gal LPS tank....mainly acans and favias.
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