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Help w tang!!!!

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N end help w my tank (1 blue tang n 1 yellow tang)

First e blue fish tang. Come back from work today n notice my blue tang is lossing color!

At first i thoughts e white patch was ich, but upon closer look i dnt see white spot / flakes or wools on e fish. Instead i reliase e fish is lossing color n the there is some wound.

Now to my tank mate. Currently i hv in my tank there 2 tang, 2 angel n 2 nemo.

I have see e angel Attack my tang b4.however my angel is very small n max 1inch. Where else my tang r at least 3.5.

Can angel do such damage?

Also my tang cond r e same since day 1. Always hiding at his usual spot. But super active during feed in time.

Now my yellow tang. Come bck from work today n found my yellow tang color change to dark brown. Got e shock n thought it sick.

((tank light of at this time.)

I on e tank light n do my stuff n came bck 10min later. E tang regain it inital bright yellow color.

Now e qns is will tang drop color when it resting?

Next is blue star fish is it poisonous? Y i ask this is cos few day bck i came home n notice e star on my mushroom rock. N those mushroom in contact w e star turn white. N till today it is stil white. (almoat 3days) w slight color on e tip.

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I've had my blue tang for close to a year now and till today. He still changes color at night while sleeping. He turns white while in his crevice. But once he is awake, he regains his color. I'm guessing he does that so the others won't disturb his sleep?

The other tangs do occasionally change color as well. The powder brown would at times turn very light brown. The naso would turn super dark. And the sailfin turning white. I think they do that to indicate their mood or if something is disturbing or bothering them.

I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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  • SRC Member

It's normal that tangs drop to a lighter shades when the lights is off and also when stressed.

As for the wound, i supposed is your tang fighting with each other with their scalpel and hence you see wound.



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