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More Macro Agle = Less NO3 ?

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  • SRC Member

1. I understand from reading that macro algae (Caulerpa racemosa) reduce NO3.

Does it mean more macro algae less NO3. Assuming that adding more and more macro algae while maintaining the rest (LS,Feeding,Lighting).

2. Center of my 2'sump has a space of 1'. I'd put #3 sand about 7Kg and some macro algae. And PL light 12w on for 10hr a day. Is it enough ?

3. My NO3 were very high and managed to bring down to 0 after 2 x 75% water change within one week and after 4 days later it's reach back to 3ppm. I am using Sera NO3 test kits. Is that normal ?

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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I understand from reading that macro algae (Caulerpa racemosa) reduce NO3.

Does it mean more macro algae less NO3. Assuming that adding more and more macro algae while maintaining the rest (LS,Feeding,Lighting).

well the use of macroalgae to reduce NO3 is known as nutrient exporting. so you are right to a certain extent...that dumping in macroalgae like the caulerpa racemosa can help reduce NO3 to a certain extent. but people normally use it in tandem with different ways and means to combat high NO3. for my tank, I try to change at least 5% of water weekly *gonna increase to 10%. I want pristine water conditions (=* and it did help bring my NO3 down to 5ppm.

Center of my 2'sump has a space of 1'. I'd put #3 sand about 7Kg and some macro algae. And PL light 12w on for 10hr a day. Is it enough ?

urh. PL of 12W? I don't know if its enough. personally I use 2x24W T5 for my macroalgae. the lights are on 24/7. (= I used to use PL *2x36W I think* but my PL casing melted with the heat generated. :rolleyes:

My NO3 were very high and managed to bring down to 0 after 2 x 75% water change within one week and after 4 days later it's reach back to 3ppm. I am using Sera NO3 test kits. Is that normal ?

2x75% in a week?! woah thats a lot of water! (= how big is your tank? and what inhabitants do you have in there? how frequently do you feed in a day, and how frequently do you do your water changes? (=

hope all the above info given helped in a way or another. (=

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Well with help from minister of home affair, I managed to 75% water change in within 1 week. Because I was bit upset. Before that changing water like 20% alternate and not improved. Therefore, last week I decided to take risk 2x75% change :( I knew it's bad, but my NO3 was out of chart )

My tank is 3x1.5x1.5'

Sump 2x1x1.5'

DSB 6-9" #3&#0

UGF ( Bit kiasu right, anyway, I started with UGF and sump is added on later )

I was bit careless when I put in first macroalgae in the sump. There was no light at all and they die off by changing color to white and red ( I guess I am right ), I don't know it's contributed NO3 back to 3ppm ? Waste my 10$

Just bought another batch and not enough place to put light but able to squeeeeee 12w FL ( used for Desktop b4 ). So far after 3 days they are look ok. On the light for 18hrs aday ( When I sleep switched off )

My LS r

Purple Tang

Blue Tang

Powder Blue Tang

Yellow Tang

2 x False Parcula Clow

Horned Star Fish

Just wonder, should I filled up the middle of the sump with macroalgae. Ofcourse, I will change water 10-20% everyweek lar

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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you can trying setting up a NNR system..it helps to reduce N03 and is a nutrient exporting process too.. :)

That's what I am thinking. I am thinking of placing lot of macroalgae in the sump. Previously I place in the main tank and all my tangs wiped out 20$ worth of macroalgae and left only rock.

Any suggestion for NNR, Do and Don't ;)

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

you have to see what is the source of your NO3,


poor water circulation?

do you have a good skimmer?

how mature is your tank?

what form of NNR are you using?

bad test kit? ;)

some people use a mature Deep Sand Bed,

others use a refugium for nutrient export.

some use lots of Live rock with no sand,

whats yours?

75% water change might actually do more harm than good,

try doing 20% every 2-3 days if you are desperate.

try and furnish us with more info,

and i'm sure someone here will help you.

sorry, i just reread your thread,

I'd chuck the UGF ASAP.

how mature is your DSB? give it about 6months -1 year...

it'll do a good job

Edited by bum
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you can do that. I do that to my tank as well...let me find pictures of my sump and post it for you to see. (=

oh yah do consider changing your test kit. if you find Salifert too expensive, do consider getting the Aqualight type by X-Glare. can be found in places like Marine Life, Reborn and T95 just to name a few. (=


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you can do that. I do that to my tank as well...let me find pictures of my sump and post it for you to see. (=

That's idea I am thinking of :) Thank

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Thank Bun


It's all started with my minister of home affair's overfeeding. Currently 2 times a day x 2 cubes of brain shrimp I add very very slowly over 5-10mins. Is it too much. They finish around 95%.

Water Circulation

I have

1x950L/H PH source from UGF (Sigma III)

1xEdem 228 (In Full Speed)

Resum (Can't remember model in hand), but I remember it's 2.5M and 2000L/H rated in the sump.


2x1.5x1' Sump with UGF Astro External Filter.

Actived Carbon placed in sump return section.


Jebo 180 HOB. So far giving me full cup coffee for every 4-5 days


3 months.


Just thinking of starting up :)


All together 40Kg (No More place to put otherwise would love more )

Cleaning Crew

2 x Fire Shrimp

2 x Snail ( Not turbo , maxima or something like dat )

Hope your guys could give me some thing to look out for :)

Thank in advance guys.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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It's all started with my minister of home affair's overfeeding. Currently 2 times a day x 2 cubes of brain shrimp I add very very slowly over 5-10mins. Is it too much. They finish around 95%.

yup, thats the cause right there...

i have more fish than you and i feed much much lesser :D

fish do not need that much to eat,

let them graze on the LR...

feed your tangs nori, maybe half a cube of BS to supplement?

once a day? twice on sundays and public hols :lol:

there should be no leftovers,

i'd rather they be not so full than have food rotting in the tank


Jebo 180 HOB. So far giving me full cup coffee for every 4-5 days

thats a lot of skimmate!

you can try tuning to get dryer skimmate


2x1.5x1' Sump with UGF Astro External Filter.

open it and clean it,

bet you its full of detritus, if possible wash with salt water

you can try setting up a refugium,

it has many benefits. :D

Cleaning Crew

2 x Fire Shrimp

2 x Snail ( Not turbo , maxima or something like dat )

try reef safe hermits,

or ceriths or nasarius snails.

or a brittle star

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Forgot about my Lighting and Water


1x 250w MH 20K BLV ( 8Hrs Aday )

2x 30w Halgon Light with Dimmer ( Used to on and off b4/after MH , and dimm manually , so no1 get shock )

My main tank is next to window. For sunny day, there will be INDIRECT sunlight to front of the tank for midday ( may be 2-4hr aday )


Tap water (Hougang) with overnight in the container

Tested NO2, NO3 no trace

Hey terryansimon

I was told Sera NO3 test kits is not so accurate (Wonder how much out of chart ?). However to spent 36$ for a test kits is expensive. Will go out and check out today.

Appreciate your help and will appreciate more, if you could show me more of your sump :) So I could copy more or less hee hee

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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I'd opened and cleaned my UGFilter External just 2 weeks ago and nothing to clean inside casue consit with only black color foram and nothing else. Took out and cleaned with Salt water.

I believe it's not causing the problem and I am tagging along with Sump casue bit kiasu. Oh UGF is from main tank.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Could not find your thread lar.

If you eat grass for next five years than I might need to breath air only for next 10 years :(

Can't I just add some more PL to NNR ? Thinking of using 60w PL ( Blue and White , from store room , used b4 MH on main tank )

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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3ppm is not a lot of NO3... you should really get worried when you reach above 15 or 20ppm. Ideally you should remain as low as possible and below 10ppm is aceptable from what I gathered.

As for removing NO3 using Algae, it works fine. Plants use NO3 like fertilizer (in fact it is a key ingredient of fertilizers) You efficiently remove it by optimising groth conditons for your plants and by trimming and removing older growths regularly (export from the system!). Don't allow the plant to die and decay in your sump and don't overcrowed it. Plants need good light to growfast.

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