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Juv Regal Angel

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In regal angel case, 1" regal is absolutely too small, IMO the best size is at 4-5". This is the medium size, and this is the best size to choose as it will acclimatize more easily. You must also avoid grey belly, yellow belly either comes from maldives or red sea can be choose. Assumed that your regal is in good health and not poisoning, then there is plenty ways to seduce it to eat, you can choose variety tricks like crash crab claw, open mussels, open scallops, chopped squids, prawn, shrimp, lettuce, BS, MS, etc. My regal eat anything i offer from pellets, BS and DIY prepared food. You just need time to make your regal eat anykind of food you offer to him.

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hi neokn....great to hear you have bought yr regal.. 3" is a good size to start with... in normal situation yr regal will start resuming its normal feeding after it has settle down.. but again... it may not be case as each fish behave differently... i have encounter someone whom have keep his regal for almost a week before it start feeding.. so patient is the key.. if it doesn't start eating on the 2nd day then... proceed feeding on the third day... try to feed it with different kind of food.. red algae by julian sprung... live brineshrimp... frozen brineshrimp... etc... but becareful not to pollute your tank by overfeeding. Give the fish time to settle down and patient is the key to success... for me... i got this habit is i will wait till the fish has start eating my prepare food before i let it go into the main tank... no matter how long it takes...but make sure the container you keep yr fish is big enough... as regal are big angel fish, it will feel stress if you keep it in a small container... and if it still doesnt eat and showing sign of dying.. then.. you have to check other parameters such as your water content...is yr NO3 too high.. cos most of this delicate fish doesn't survive if the NO3 is too high.. yr water temperature.. as well as PH of the water.. hope this info is useful... and meantime relax and enjoy the beauty of the regal angel.

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Wah! :o

Very nice fish. I have the same fish which already stayed with me for more than a month. Don't know what he wants to eat, just algae and live shrimp, very slow eater in tank.

Is pretty good if u have one in the tank.


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Wah <_<, i doesn't mean to discourage you but you seem choose the wrong specimen, it is the grey belly. But i do hope that this fish will do better in your tank.


Grey belly.

This fella have been super picky as all the feed that I drop in the tank, he will take one mouth and spit it out tell me that he don't like it. :(:(

I have yet to try LBS, will do that tonight when I get home.




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hi.. neokn... well.. asfur is correct ..... you have chosen a grey belly regal... which is more picky in terms of food... well.. patient is the key and try tempting it with different food .. and see how it goes... best of luck ya....

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hi.. neokn... well.. asfur is correct ..... you have chosen a grey belly regal... which is more picky in terms of food... well.. patient is the key and try tempting it with different food .. and see how it goes... best of luck ya....

Lai Ah! Lai Ah!Buy Regal Angel @ super looooowwwww price ahhhhhh!!!!!! :(:(

Just joking. Paitent is no problem for me, just that I'm afraid that the fella will starve to death.




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Beside LBS, you can combine with open mussels, open scallops, prawn, shrimp, crush crab claw, chopped squid. But all of this task must do in a seperate tank with regal as the only fish inside that place, as all new regal is a very shy fish so this fish will not dare to compete food with other fish. With seperate tank, you can hope that this fish will feel secure and (hopefully) will start to pick at food.

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Beside LBS, you can combine with open mussels, open scallops, prawn, shrimp, crush crab claw, chopped squid. But all of this task must do in a seperate tank with regal as the only fish inside that place, as all new regal is a very shy fish so this fish will not dare to compete food with other fish. With seperate tank, you can hope that this fish will feel secure and (hopefully) will start to pick at food.

It's nibbling @ my LR though it's not eating any food that I feed.

So I would have to catch it tonight @ put it in the beta tank again????




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hi neokn...well..since you have let it go into yr main tank.. by catching it and keep in a separate tank will put stress again to the fish especially so if the fish is not eating at the moment... since it started to peck on the rocks.. it means it is showing sign of eating as the rock should have some sponges or algae or other kind of food which interest yr regal... what you should do.. since you have let it go into the main tank is to try tempting it ... either with red algae which can be easily purchase at some of the LFS, just use a lettuce clip to hold the algae... LBS will help to tempt it too... if you trying to catch it.. i think u will stress yr fish... since you have yr LR inside your tank.. i think you would need to move yr LR in order to catch the fish and by doing it you will be disturbing yr tank and sand bed which again may put stress to other fishes and you may cause an outbreak of ich too. Regal angel is a delicate fish and such stress will defintely shy the fish away from the desire to feed and may even go on a hunger strike unless you could catch it without disturbing it too much.... since you have skip the 1st step of putting it in a separate container... it won't be wise to do so... unless you have the confidence that you won't alarm the fish too much when you catch it... not say that asfur method is wrong... but the risk is there and you have to decide which is best for you.....have fun fishing :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Grey belly.

This fella have been super picky as all the feed that I drop in the tank, he will take one mouth and spit it out tell me that he don't like it. :(:(

I have yet to try LBS, will do that tonight when I get home.

I used to have 1 grey belly for more than 1 year...........

below is the yellow belly regal i have now.

dun know what he wants to eat.... still very fuzzy....


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Hi hmkui :D , don't mean to offend you but i absolutely agree with you. I also don't mean to make too much stress to the regal, what i mean is better don't put the regal to the main tank instantly but we must treat it first with fully care and in seperate tank. If he already put inthe main tank, well i can just hope that this fish will start to eat, otherwise it will starve to death.

To jason, may be you can try my method, i don't say it 100% will work, but it worth to try, because it work with me and me friend regal.

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To Asfur,

My regal is the largest fish in my tank currently around 7"... I think will not be shy...

shy with me for first week... now better...

I don't think so, usually regal is not a quick adaptation fish, and it need more time to become brave to compete food until finally become hand tame. But if you said that your regal is not shy anymore, then you can try to feed it, cos' once he is not shy, it mean he will be brave to compete for food. You may try it and see what will happen with the regal.

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I don't think so, usually regal is not a quick adaptation fish, and it need more time to become brave to compete food until finally become hand tame. But if you said that your regal is not shy anymore, then you can try to feed it, cos' once he is not shy, it mean he will be brave to compete for food. You may try it and see what will happen with the regal.

yup..especially the grey belly species...

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hi neokn.. well.. asfur got its point too... regal is slow to adapt itself to captivity... and no one is sure how the fish will react ... some fish react fine after being caught and put back in the container... while others will stress and die off... both are common incident... which will happen..so you have to make your decision... ours advice is based on our own experience and you have to decide and react accordingly and see which method is best suit for you. As for regal... most of the time they just shy away but some of them are bold... and some of them are terrioral i have had an encounter ....which my regal is so terriorial that it kill all my flame angel which i introduced later then him. It basically just chases the flame and wack him till he dies. While other encounters was that the regal just don't bother the rest of the angel. So you won't really know what you will getting just stick to yr instinct..ya.. and have fun.

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