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weileong's 4ft tank - Part II


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Another shot of the road to recovery.

The color of the tear drop can depends on the lighting and how you photograph the fish as well as you can see from this photo.

lvcap the lateral line disease aka hole-in-the-head also cause the lost of coloring, actually caused the fish to appear darker than usual. Go read up more on this "disease" in RC and you'll understand. In summary, this is not caused by any bacterial or parasites but rather a response from the fish own immune system.


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hey weileong, how does GAC affect your AT?? after reading your thread,i also noticed that since i started running GAC and rowa, my tank seems to me infected with ich...both my yellow and sailfin tang are in terrible state now..especially the sailfin..almost as bad as your AT...but both are still eating, and all eat an assortment of food, nori, pellets, flakes, garlic soaked brine shrimps...

should i turn off the GAC and rowa?? pls advise...thanks...

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The rowa should give any problem and is fine to run in FR. They are very hard particles and will not turn into fine powder form even when fluidised

The carbon is the problem. Running in FR will cause the fine powder to be released, no matter how slow your flow rate is as the fluidised action will cause the GAC to be slowly grind to power. The correct way to use GAC would be in a mesh filter bag, you would then need to take the bag out to squeeze a a few times to minimise the formation of channels.

typrobin your fishes kanna ich after you throw in rowa because sudden addition of huge amount of rowa will cause the kh to drop and then cause a sudden change in pH which stress the fishes. A few reefers here already experienced this :P

I guess the trick is the have really very slow flow thru the FR at first so the change in pH will not be drastic then later say 24-48 hrs increase the flow in the FR back to normal.

Don't stress also stressed already so just take precaution the next time you change your rowa.

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A montage for easier reference.

Recovery started only I stopped using GAC in FR. The rest of the fishes are not affected.

The day of full glory should be near :P

Using GAC in FR can cause Lateral Line Erosion meh? :blink: ok....understand just read the above..... :P

Maybe can still run GAC in FR in another compartment and place more filter sponges before the return....just a thought.... ;)

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Here's more on the lateral line erosion. Just do a search on lateral line disease in RC and you'll get a lot of information.

The problem here is that no one seems to have an exact clue on what is the cause of the problem.

Some say caused stray current in the tank which I do not have any.

Some say caused by diet

Some say caused by the powder from GAC.

Some say bacterial.

The diease only affect some fishes and not all fishes in the same tank.

However my observation is that after I stopped using GAC in FR then the fish started to recover.

Here's some URL to more info. I'll post the photo in RC to see what they say.

lateral line erosion part 1

lateral line erosion part 2

lateral line erosion part 3

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I guess that could be true but I read that the fine powder from the GAC which was produced from the FR will irritate the lateral line on the fish and caused the fish own immune system to attack itself thus causing the problem.

Too many possible cause so best to try eliminate all of them.

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here is a very helpful link for those who wishes to find out more abt lateral line erosion. apparently, the disease might be caused by a sudden deficiency of calcium and phosphurus, carbon, stress, etc.

i hv experienced this b4 in my discus rearing days, it was called the hole in the head disease. wonder if the same treatment of administering "yellow powder" for discus will help in the marine sense.

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