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Macro Photography Mania!


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Wah bro roidan, 150W you can still take not bad already woh!.. I have 250W and its close to impossible to take even at iso1600... did u flash it? nice pics everyone!

yo bro ervine...

yeah lor...i used iso 800 and 1600 to force the shots out...dare not try 3200 because dun have noise ninja or neat image to use...

used 1/125s and 1/160s to attempt those shots.....Time Value Priority mode (aka speed priority), as such the camera auto-open up f2.8 fully to maximise light. but resulting in very off-focus in front and behind the focus point.

that's about it...the settings i use (non tripod) and no flash used.

Weileong is more tripod based,

if i am not wrong, he using 1/20s or slower , f-super big number (super small aperture size)--> more of the objects in front and back of the focus point are in focus

weileong, share with us the settings :)

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u see...due to the f2.8 shooting style,

only the clown is in focus, the front and back of the clown (rbta tentacles), are all out of focus.

if i choose a bigger f number (smaller aperture size) like weileong, more of the tentacles will be in focus, but the picture will turn out very dim and i have to push up my ISO to ISO3200 to get a decent picture...but end up will be very noisy.

shooting under 400W will be very nice :)


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wah think my cam's noise reduction is very bad.. ISO 400 already quite noisy.. :( any tips on reducing noise? maybe the shots I took are taken in too dark a place?

roidan why u always use super fast shutter speed and super high ISO rating? when maybe 1/30 and ISO200 will suffice. Is there a reason? will increase sharpness?

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wah think my cam's noise reduction is very bad.. ISO 400 already quite noisy.. :( any tips on reducing noise?

I think not much we can do lah... point and shoot cannot ask for more liao

My dsc- w1 need to use add on lens.. or else also very noisy

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wah think my cam's noise reduction is very bad.. ISO 400 already quite noisy.. :( any tips on reducing noise?

u can try those noise reduction software like noise ninja or neat image....

but it's an inherent problem of digicams..whereby the sensor itself is small and they squeeze alot of pixels into the sensor, therefore noise is a big problem for digicams as the ISO goes up.

but for everyday shooting, nothing beats a portable digicam compared to a heavybrick DSLR :)

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Now most of the shots are done at f/32, ISO 200 and manual focusing. Exposure times vary anywhere from 1/8 to 1sec.

I think not much choice to use f/32 to get the max depth of field and with this definately requires tripod.

ISO 200 for the super "sharp" feeling.

Wow piang non-marine shots also come liao :P

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ISO is the sensitivity of the "film"

higher the ISO the more sensitive the film is to light. so a little bit of light will form image on the film liao. good for night shots and shots taken in dark places :evil:

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the canon G6 max is also around ISO400. Same for the Nikon 8800.

my previous sony f828 is slightly better with a max of ISO800..but trust me, you wouldn't want to go pass ISO200 on the f828 also.....

i reckon the ISO200 on my f828 is the ISO1600-3200 on my 20d now...since i have used both before, i am in a position to judge. really alot of difference.

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oops off topic haha.. just show u how bad my cam's noise reduction is lah.. I reckon 200 will still be ok. but 400 when view the full size picture the dark sky sure will be very noisy.. 8 seconds shtter speed without tripod ok.. hahaha pro right? :P resting on the concrete support lah :P

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oops off topic haha.. just show u how bad my cam's noise reduction is lah.. I reckon 200 will still be ok. but 400 when view the full size picture the dark sky sure will be very noisy.. 8 seconds shtter speed without tripod ok.. hahaha pro right? :P resting on the concrete support lah :P

Ya my cam on ISO400 also damn jialat liao

see the noise.. forgot if this is at ISO400


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