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Ultrasound Scan!!!

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don't worry about looking small for your gestation period. Usually for the first time is like that, and the more skinnier the mother to be is,the smaller the tummy looks. Nobody knows I m pregnant till after 7 months.I m expecting a boy in mid oct so we are almost due about the same time lor.


Hey thats good news actually , according to my Gyn , she says its because our skinhave good elasity thus it holds back the baby tightly ! :P infact i think my baby is heavier then average.

Depressing part is I no longer have a nice ###### ! now its so round and wide ! :cry2::cry2:

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:D not exactly mother to be lah. Already a mother liao and now going to be mother for another baby lor..

exactly opposite as Princess's case.I wanted another girl and already had the name in mind "TIARA" but ultrascan showed its a boy...2nd ultrascan again confirmed its boy...no chance liao :D Saw nice little dresses only can drool... :(

Lost 8kg throughout till 6months,only recently managed to pack on 2.8kg so Princess,dont worry about looking small as long as baby is healthy.How to know if the baby is healthy?Judge from the karate kick he/she gives you.My unborn son can twirl around inside my tummy and you can see my tummy moves like the movie 'tremor'. My 11 yrs old daughter calling the unborn brother 'the underground monster' :D

Hi Jaslyn , Congrats on your baby boy ! . got 'variety' mah since you already have a girl ! So lucky ! :D I'm sure your daugther will take care of her lil bro! :peace:

My bf like to off the lights and shine the torch on my tummy and see my tummy move ! :heh:

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gosh.. i tot i surf the wrong forum.. tot was motherhood forum with all the advice and support from the fathers n guys! shows that spore man are SNAG afterall. heng... we got hope

princess, your tummy look compact! ( few notice i was preggy till abt 7 months.. maybe its because i am pudgy to start off with) :lol: dun worry, u look like u have good slim genes!! sure regain ur hourglass soon.. unlike me..... bfeeding really helps!!! save $$ too.

dun harp on ur drinking, now focus on taking the right food and vitamin supplements for ur bb and u!

like the guys said, stay positive, happy thoughts, stay healthy and fit (shopping helps!!!!) dun worry abt housework. cannot do then leave it ! dun stress urself. maintain open communication with all. read up.

u naming ur girl devon ashleigh? beautiful! likewise for anthias and arthemas!

my girl was only 2.22kg when born,now she is a hefty 8.5kg at 71/2months (guess she takes after her father!)

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OMG! She's such a cutie pie!!!!!

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yeah.. looks more like her daddy.... same chubby cheeks.. same attitude.

gouldian, love the pic of u cradling athemas. handsome boy! so jealous of his hair!

chris, what can i say about anthias... love her eyes! and where got attitude face? she's a doll!

i think all daddies here should get together, bring your darling son and daughter go lfs or lim kopi or compare notes on fatherhood (which chemicals are best for sps vs which formula milk best for bb) and let the mummies rest half a day..

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yeah.. looks more like her daddy.... same chubby cheeks.. same attitude.

gouldian, love the pic of u cradling athemas. handsome boy! so jealous of his hair!

chris, what can i say about anthias... love her eyes! and where got attitude face? she's a doll!

i think all daddies here should get together, bring your darling son and daughter go lfs or lim kopi or compare notes on fatherhood (which chemicals are best for sps vs which formula milk best for bb) and let the mummies rest half a day..

:lol: i'm sure she'll grow up to be a responsible pretty little reefer. ;)

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yeah.. looks more like her daddy.... same chubby cheeks.. same attitude.

gouldian, love the pic of u cradling athemas. handsome boy! so jealous of his hair!

chris, what can i say about anthias... love her eyes! and where got attitude face? she's a doll!

i think all daddies here should get together, bring your darling son and daughter go lfs or lim kopi or compare notes on fatherhood (which chemicals are best for sps vs which formula milk best for bb) and let the mummies rest half a day..

Thanks for the kind comments Sis.

I dun blame DB for forgoing his duty to mantain law and order here but to serve his Princess.

In order to "educate" and calm Artemas, I will position him to face my tank every evening while me and my wife enjoy our dinner! :lol:

Guess it won't be long before he will be able to tell Ocellaris from Percula. :P Unlike our famous reefer WM. :P

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Your daughter is very cute and doing very well.

My girl now almost 9 months but weight only 7+kg (born 2.7kg) as she got small appetite.

I found a shop in Holland V (2nd story above Cold Storage) called "Zerotohero" that sells educational toys and books for little kids. The lady there is also very nice. I am MAD! I decided to forgo a $60 acro and a $20 car mag and bought kids books and toys!! :pinch:

Maybe just to keep count so that we can meet up someday:

Colony: Chris ---- Frag: Anthias Flammeus

Colony: Gouldian --- Frag: Artemas

Colony: DeepBlue/Trigger Queen --- Frag: ???(Not coral)

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I think (marine) therefore I am

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Your daughter is very cute and doing very well.

My girl now almost 9 months but weight only 7+kg (born 2.7kg) as she got small appetite.

I found a shop in Holland V (2nd story above Cold Storage) called "Zerotohero" that sells educational toys and books for little kids. The lady there is also very nice. I am MAD! I decided to forgo a $60 acro and a $20 car mag and bought kids books and toys!! :pinch:

Maybe just to keep count so that we can meet up someday:

Colony: Chris ---- Frag: Anthias Flammeus

Colony: Gouldian --- Frag: Artemas

Colony: DeepBlue/Trigger Queen --- Frag: ???(Not coral)

Please add on or amend

Chris I think you are still sane.

My wife wanted to spend $800 for a pram - - - that's insane! :shock:

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My wife wanted to spend $800 for a pram - - - that's insane!

That is really something "WOW". But I believe mothers are a crazy lot. I have one who emails me items from motherhood.com and asking me to buy. Now my email jammed and I'm not complaining. Ergo carrier and what not!! The utimate is my colleague who bought a cot for $1.6K!!

I think (marine) therefore I am

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No she wanted a Quinny :cry:

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db also siao prams.. wants a quinny badly but not approve!

chris, that shop?? i got 15%discount on vtech toys .. that lady knows me! u should come see db and my toy room.. now invaded by rae-ann's toys!!! in fact, have been 'collecting' children stores discount card.. mothercare, kp, discovery store etc ..even online toy and book store !

can open toy shop and book shop! anthias, athemas welcome to play!

btw, mummies are not crazy lot! reefers should know better than to label others 'crazy'! ! <_<

gouldian, not kind comments.. its sincere comments.. ;)

since birth, our fish tanks r the few things that can calm her when she cries!! db justify his investment in his hobby. her fav fish is the emperor angel and my triggers!!! if the emperor swims out of sight, she used to cry and demand it to swim back!

guess her 'fish' n 'corals will be her 'first few word. now still at papa,mama,mum mum etc stage.

used to be her daily routine till she got too strong for the seat.


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I think this thread is far more interesting than any other thread!

Maybe I am also swaying in the direction of DB. :D

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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I noticed alot of parent do crazy things when they have their first born. During my daughter's time (11 yrs ago),I believe there isnt any quinny :D so we got an Aprica that costed over $800 during that time and a cot that was close to 1k too.Whole set of garden slide and swing from Little Tike and alot more.When we were relocating to other country,we actually have 70 boxes of JUST TOYS!

When we had our son 5 yrs ago,everything downgraded :D .I would say we have learned from experience what to buy and what not to buy,or let me say,what is unneccessary to buy but still when we relocated from Germany back to Singapore,we again have over 50 boxes of JUST TOYS.

Now,our 3rd would be due and until this minute,I only ordered a cot that costed $279, a pram that costed $179 and probably 2 dozens of clothes. Car seat would be using what my son was using...so in this way,if we ever get another chance to relocate once more,I sure hope I wouldnt be packing anything over 2 boxes of JUST TOYS :D:D:D

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