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Freshwater tank to Marine tank


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  • SRC Member

Hi, i am thinking of converting my current freshwater tank to marine FOWLR tank. Thinking of DIYing the sump and still making use of my canister filter. Only wool will be put in canister then outlet to sump for the protein skimmer before being pump back to main tank. canister filter o/p is 700l/hr. This idea workable?


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  • SRC Member

unlikely to remove center partition but will drill two big holes to link up the two cabinets.

Jus talk to my wife about changing the tank to marine. the answer: NO. :(

need to sweet talk to her. :lol: Anyway won't be conerting soon need to sort out how to bring water from main tank to sump tank without drilling holes in main tank.

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  • SRC Member

aiya wife complain i not taking care of freshwater tank, say it look like forest now only take care of my marine tank... :lol:

trying hard to convince her to change the tank to seahorse tank or lionfish tank.

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Bro dominik, your planted freshwater tank is beautiful.

You sure U wanna convert it ?

Why not set up another tank for Marine. :P

Then its best of both worlds. :lol:

I think so,

U sure u wanna convert it

I think your planted freshwater tank is look so beautiful :shock:

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I am thinking of using the same method to draw water down into a sump. currently using cannister.

My concern is, what if flow rate of water coming down is different from the flow rate of water going up? wouldn't that cause a flood?

is there a standard for the power of the pump to bring water back into the main tank?

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  • SRC Member

nice FW tank! u should see mine... it's a real jungle.. an unkept jungle!!

Anyway if you intend to make the change take note of your cabinet.. those chipboard cabinets are risky for marine tanks coz marine tanks tend to be a lot heavier...

Not to mention salt water will kill your chipboard...

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  • SRC Member
nice FW tank! u should see mine... it's a real jungle.. an unkept jungle!!

Anyway if you intend to make the change take note of your cabinet.. those chipboard cabinets are risky for marine tanks coz marine tanks tend to be a lot heavier...

Not to mention salt water will kill your chipboard...

thanks for the compliment. So chipboard is a big no no?

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thanks for the compliment. So chipboard is a big no no?

i would say it's a big no no... I even wonder how it manages to hold up a FW tank in the first place!

if you want can add on some additional bracing but best is to re-do the whole cabinet... or even better, redo the whole tank...

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