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Girls always expect for guys to do everything


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  • SRC Member

wat you guys think of girls that always expect guys to do something like

from planning wat movie to watch , wat to eat , where to go :unsure:

are we still living in the old times where girls still expect us to do everything

and do nothing just because we are MAN ??

give your comments Guys!!!!!!

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  • SRC Member

I think you're stereotyping the whole female population simply with your bad experiences with women. :P

I personally believe a relationship is a give-and-take situation. Women should not also expect the men to foot the bill all the time. For me, I'm more than happy to either go dutch or to foot the bill. I don't expect the guy to cater to my every whim or fancy. ;)

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  • SRC Member

I always believe one thing. Start your relationship on the right footing. Do not over-compromise on what you dislike to do and try too hard to please a girl during courtship. That is tantamount to digging your own grave cos you will very quickly hear comments like"you were not like that before :pinch: "

Fortunately for me, i set the records very straight even during courtship. When i give in sometimes, due to good mood, my wife acknowleges the effort and loves me more for it.

Take a cue from the Ah Bengs(no offence to the gung ho hot blooded ). Despite being vulgar and uncouth, they always pick up the best chicks. Why? Because girls love the fact that behind the violent mask, there is tenderness. The same tenderness exhibited by a New age sensitive guy is just taken for granted most of the time.

As for planning outings..just do it lah. Won't kill as much brain cells as the hand phone . Otherwise just plan some crap outings and risk losing the girl. If she loves you enough.. she will soon take over the planning(like what my wife does now :lol: )

My golden advice


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  • SRC Member

my gf and I hardly ever have plans, most of the time we just hang out at my studio or just walk around the neighbourhood... no fancyfull meals and expensive outings for us...

occassionally there will be the "I want to go shopping" days.. but then there are also the "I want to go see fish/coral" days as well..

It's a give and take thing man... sometimes u gotta do what she likes, sometimes she gotta do what u likes... best if u can both do things that u like... erm... safe clean things i mean...

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  • SRC Member

Girls always find guys who can make decisions more attractive than those who cannot or will not. Girls love to be pampered. They are most relaxed and comfortable knowing that they are well taken care off..that their every need is met. Would you want to be the man to provide or not? It really is a matter of choice. ;) At the end of the day, just be yourself and let the girl love you for what you are and what not.

I would say men is easier to please in general. Girls only have to understand one thing: In every man, there is a boy who would not grow up. Pamper and love him like a child and he will provide and defend like a man! :lol:

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  • SRC Member

ought to tell the girls off.. if they expect guys to plan all...

they cannot expect guys to plan everyting..it will be so stressful for the guy..

they need to be pro-active 2...

mk the 1st move n do some planning/thinking of where to go/what to do

.... :upsidedown

sometimes.. i find tat's nt a bad idea to not hv any plans for the day/like what to do for the day.. just laze around n do nothing...just hv tat someone by yr side ..is just as enjoyable.. don;t u agree??


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