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Modifying my Pinky 12GO JBJ Nano Cube


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  • SRC Member

This 12G O Pink Nano Cube was purchased during a roadshow at Pasir Ris Farmway and cost onli S$30! The onli setback is it's Pink and it's the older version of the 12G Nano Cube. This means there are 4 Chambers at the back of the tank and the glass thickness is thiner - 3.83mm onli.

You may read thru the JBJ products here;



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  • SRC Member

The standard items come with it are;

- 1 24W PL tube 6400k

- Magnetic ballast with starter

- 1 106G/hr pump

- 2 12V Fans with AC to DC converter and stepdown transformer

- Some cotton frost or wool, ceramic rings, bio balls and charcoal bags.



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  • SRC Member

Objective of Mod :

- To convert it to 2 PL tubes (2 x 24W) and install a 20 LED 'moonlite' in the canopy.

- To install an Electronic Ballast and put it externally to reduce heat.

- To install the AC to DC converter and transformer externally also to reduce heat.

First, remove the transparent plastic splash guard and the stock reflector. Be careful when dealing with reflector as the edges are very sharp.

Here is what you will see after removing them;


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  • SRC Member

Now remove everything until left the 2 fans. Be careful when you are cutting the wires. The transformer and the AC to DC converter need to be installed externally so don't damage them when removing them.


These transformer and AC to DC converter are to be installed externally.


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  • SRC Member

Buy a 4ft reflector and cut 2 pcs to size to suit the canopy. Leave some space on both ends so that it won't cut the wires later on.


Once it's cut to sizes, screwed the reflectors to the canopy using the existing holes. You may note that it's difficult to find the C-clips for the PL tubes - temporary you may use one each for each tube instead of 2.


After preparing both reflectors and PL tubes, now you may start to prepare the wire connectors to the PL light. Take note that you may wish to solder the wire to the connector for better conductivity. Go for a 60W soldering iron as it's faster and better than a 40W.

You need to do 2 pairs of these for 1 PL light, so a total of 4 pairs are required.


Sleeve them up after soldering for better insulation. You may use a hairdryer to shrink the sleeve.


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I'm using some acrylic to place my electronic ballast (Elbiru 2x24W) and the transformer / AC to DC converter externally and sheltered them from getting salt wter splash.

Here show the wires from the PL lights to the electronic ballast. Also how the how assembly like. It's rather straigh forward wiring.


The completed assembly viewed from top.


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  • SRC Member

Once the 2 PL light tubes are installed and the external assembly for the electronic ballast and transformer / AC to DC converter are done, they should fit like this. Secure back the plastic cover to ensure that it can fit nicely.


If you will to take note, both fans are actually ###### air out instead of blowing air in. You may wish to reverse the fan on the left (away from the pump), so that it is blowing air in. Some claimed that it ventilate better this way with one blowing in and one ###### air out.

Juz remove the 4 screws and reverse the fan; then screwed it back.


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Now juz install the 20 LED strip using a telephone conduit and some velcro behind. I would preferred to fix it at the top space there.


The standard stock pump is a 106Gph pump;


Since I already have a Ehiem compact 600 (600l/hr or 160G/h) pump, I'm replacing the standard stock pump with this for higher flow. You may also replaced it with Minijet 606. The size will fit in the last chamber.


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Remove all those standard items from the chamber except the replaced pump. I did some add on to the flow by using some plastic tubes and elbows / T-joint.

Juz plug the tubes to the outlet hole. I'm splitting the flow into 2; one to the right side of the tank and the other bottom left.


Now I juz put a floss at the top 1st chamber (but must change it frequently) and also a surface skimmer. Also a bag of Aquaz Pure Phos in the second chamber.


The surface skimmer juz attached to the overflow as the water will pressed it against the 'wall'.


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Here is the completed job;

First is under the 2x24W PL tubes.

The bottom one is under the 20 LED 'Moonlite'.

Sorri, temporary transfer all my old live stock from my old nano tank to this nano cube. So it doesn't look good as my old tank is used for experiment hehe.


Under the 20 LEDs Moonlite.


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  • SRC Member
Nice! (great job as usual)

Wats the temp like?

My T4s are under pwr so i might need to change soon.

Keep the pics flowing !

(cos i need to refer mah :D )

Thanks. The temperature is not more than 31 deg. with the fan off. But once the fan is on, is less than 30 deg. If I open up the feeding front part of the canopy, it's slightly lower.

May change the 2 fans to a higher power fans hehe.

Let me know if you can find the C-clip for the PL tubes.

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  • SRC Member

Where did U get these ?

I need these man.

Will get for monki also.

The surface skimmer working for you?

I suspect that stock 300l/h is not strong

enough to hold it in place.

(for my case anyway....)

The pump outlet also splashes water at the level for the surface

skimmer to work. U have answered 1 of my biggest prob man !!!


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  • SRC Member
Where did U get these ?

I need these man.

Will get for monki also.

The surface skimmer working for you?

I suspect that stock 300l/h is not strong

enough to hold it in place.

(for my case anyway....)

The pump outlet also splashes water at the level for the surface

skimmer to work. U have answered 1 of my biggest prob man !!!

You can get all these from c328 (near to the entrance those barang barang things, must see carefully else you miss it). Check the elbow and T-junction to see if it can fit the tubes size. There are 2 sizes. Don't buy wrongly.

I change the stock pump to Ehiem compact 600 as it's more powerful and very silent. You may use the Minijet 606 as it's mentioned in the other Nano Forum. ;)

Don't hesitate to exchange pointers, Max!

BTW the surface skimmer is ok and in place. Not a problem.

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good job on the modification ...

actually the nano cube is quite restricted but i am sure u enjoy ur nano cube even further now

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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Nice DIY skills... :D

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

Your tank is one of the better Modified DIY documented tank. Thanks. I am looking forward to your pico skimmer. I also thinking about DIY one. I am a school teacher thus I have access to acrylic and have been thinking of doing one with a small powerhead as the main pump. It will be based on the vernturi effect.

Let's exchange tips.

Visit my tank at


Please give comments there. :lol:

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