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Newbie 2 ft tank


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Hi, I was advised to start this new post because this is the only way experts can help.

I started with a 2L x 1 H x 1 W tank. The tank comes with over head filter and external pump 800 l/hr flow rate. It also has a light fitting 20 watts flr tube (bule).

Next thing I on advise by a marine shop owner was to buy undergravel filter (I was told this is a mistake later). I also got hold of 4 kg of live rock. A package or coral salt mix. Some filter elements and #3 crushed coral ( 5 kg)

I was told I am ready to set up my tank and wait for 3 weeks to cycle. Unable to wait that long, I added 2 damsel and a shrimp. Only the damsel survive.

Let me share how the tank looks like.


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Sorry! I should resize my picture! 1st time doing this. I was then told protein skimmer is important. Although some say just change water more regularly.

So many types of skimmer therefore very confusing just to understand if this is necessary piece of equipment. Decided that I should still try out since so many experts say so. This is how my 3rd wk tank look like.


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A few questions.

1) How did you cycle the tank and how much time did u give for the cycle?

2) Did you test your water parameters before adding LS? (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nirate, KH and pH.)

3) What are the filter elements you put in your overhead filter?

You mentioned that you cannot wait 3 weeks for the tank cycle... hmmm patience is very important for having a successful marine setup. Do slow down and take stock of your water condition before adding any LS, else LS will just keep on dying and you will get more frustrated.

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Alamak, too small now. Next one will be just OK I hope. Yes, I put in the skimmer (weipro 2012) and ataman pump 2000 l/hr. However, not much foam leh.

I was advised that the undergravel filter is a 'time bomb'! I decided to take it out and remove the over head filter suction pipe from the undergravel filter. The over head filter now draws water from the tank base. Yet to take any picture but will post it soon.

This is to illustrate how frustrating for newbies like me when we didn't get the things right the first time.

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1) How did you cycle the tank and how much time did u give for the cycle?

I was told 3 weeks but I short cut and added damsel within the 2nd week. I died the other one survive till today. Tried clowns after the 2nd week but both died.

2) Did you test your water parameters before adding LS? (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nirate, KH and pH.)

Sorry, didn't test. I observed the live rock is growing well and algae forming on the surface of my tank. These are signs the water is cured?

3) What are the filter elements you put in your overhead filter?

Whilte fiber stuff bought from the marine stall in Pasir Ris. $3.50 for 3?

I have since add a crab and 2 more damsels. They are there for the last 1 week. Will take a photo by this weekend.

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No offence but u need to slow down. In forums, there are always tons of hear say. Safest bet is the check out the claim yourself and understand why this method/equipment works or sucks. Its not about spending tons of moola on equipment or how fast you can setup a tank. Its more like learning how our natural reef environment is like and how best to mimic that environment in our enclosed tank.

You should read up more as to why certain things are happening to your tank.

There are many different types of algae, some good, some bad. Different algae growth means different things. Alage growth on your rocks can only be considered good if its the rite kind of algae. Hair algae, red slime are the types of algae that you dun wan in your tank cos that mean your water condition/current flow is not good. Coralline algae growth will mean that your tank condition is stable and matured.

White fiber stuff u bought is most likely filter floss. These only provide for mechanical filtering. You might wan to read up on Chemical and Biological filtration. Chemical for treating your water and Biological for breaking down of waste material.

Some good sites that you might want to check out.

About Saltwater Aquarium

ATJ Marine Aquarium site


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Bro, I agree with Sapp. I know it's exciting setting up your tank, however I do think you should slow down just a little, everybody has different views and hypotheses, not that anyone of them is not correct, but it is a case of different concepts and different needs.

What I'm saying is that you need to know what you want to do with the tank and do your research before purchasing...this will save money and heartache. Do you want a Liverock and fish only, or fish and LPS and other combi.

If I may point out, if you are thinking of having LPS, with equipment such as powerheads, pumps and skimmer, will the temperature goes up...if it does, you will need to invest in a chiller to keep the setup(I do remember that in some other posts you have written that you do not want any sump or chiller and etc...I stand to be corrected) :D

Another thing, some prefer to use demsels to speed up...you can actually use liverock or a piece of prawn to do the trick...or even by the bacteria to add them in. Unless you really like demsels, you may find them as "pests"as you tank develop and mature.

Worst if you purchase angels, they are likely to attack your corals. Bi-colour parrot fish will peck on hard coral and not soft due to the algae.

The above are just some fruit for thoughts

No offence intended, just my 5cents worth. :bow:

Happy reefing bro

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Hi! Bro, a few points and suggetion:

1) what is the salt that you are using? how frequent do you change your water?

at least own some essiential test kit i.e amonia, NO2, NO3, PO4 now.

2) try rearrange your rock to minimise the contact point with your sand to reduce "dead" area, if possible try to let your rock stand instead of sleeping. the standing arrangement will also aid in water circulation :lol::lol:

3) what is your plan to tackle the filteration for your tank? the mechanical filteration? the chemical filteration? the bio filteration?

4) what type of coral and fish do you want to keep? (read more about them from www.marinedepotlive.com, www.wetwebmedia.com, etc)

=== dont always take expert words for it, expert = they know what work for them but might not know what work for you as every tank is unique.

you are the owner of the tank, the knowledge shall be with you, not with someone else :lol::lol:

the first 3 months of the hobby is critical, it will decide whether you stay and enjoy the hobby or be just another person who says: "marine is difficult and expensive, $&%&^%&%&"

the learning is not easy and no one says it is easy <_< but the end rewards is many times worth the efford :D:D

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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Hey bros, thank you for the advice, I have shifted the rocks! In fact I added another 2 kg. Will take a picture of it and post it another day.

Yes I am learning every mins! I intend to stay with this hobby for at least a while more. I know it is surviving but improvements are the challenges.

No, I just going for very basic even with 3 damsels will do. I planned to set up another 1.5 ft tank and will then transfer the damsel over. this tank will then have clowns and more striking colour fishes. Not many about 4 - 5 max.

I will get some shrimps, I think they should do well since the crab and damsels are OK. BTW, where to get reasonable shrimps? Pasir Ris quoting at least $3 to $6 each!

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seriously be4 u set up that 1.5ft tank of yrs go buy a test kit ... stop wasting yr money n fishes life by dumping it into tanks that u don even know whether its cycle or not ... don rush into things ... Yr damsel didn't die becos its a hardy fish but try to do more research readings, purchase things that are really needed n neccessary

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Frankly, I do not agree with Uncle Muthu regarding the test kits thingy, nothing personal but he's having Rock and fish only. Ammonia and NO2 should be alright after the 8 weeks cycle. The amount of money for test kit could be spend on Live Rock to beef up his Bio-filtration, if the bio-filtration is good, than Ammonia and NO2 should not be any problem after the cycle period...(I do think it always better to have more LR of course the trade-off is the decrease in water volume). Furthermore, NO3 can be in good control if he does regular water change and control his feeding.

Mag, Ca and N03 test kits are useful if he is keeping hard coral which he is not.

When I started, I was so confused as which test kit to purchase, there are so many different brands, types and functions. Ultimately, I am only using Mag, Ca and N03 due to the nature of my tank.

Electronic pH meter is a good investment as it gives quick and accurate readings.

For what is worth bro, you may wanna get a good hang of this hobby before starting up the 1.5 ft tank. It is difficult to see the logical reasons you have for starting another tank since you have said that you are new to this hobby.

Another thing, now is a good time to hunt for worms and crabs before more items are added into your thank.

Happy reefing

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Yeah, I think LR is very important and they are hardy too :lol: Shrimps and crabs can help to eat up whatever the fishes missed. They are also hardy aren't they?

Frankly I am quite happy to have just the LR (seeing them grow) and the 3 damsels. Of course if I can have 2 more fishes would be better.

I believe I can hold till my LR are more matured while I shop for shrimps. Any recommendation where got cheap and good ones?


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prices of shrimps are pretty constant except for certain shops... u can get them at almost any lfs ... if u are afraid of them dying, u might want to try boxter shrimp.. u can get them under 5 bucks depending on size. they are pretty hardy too. or i can juz scout the beaches during low tides.. flips some rocks and u can fine piston shrimps.. but they can be quite irritating a nights. they produce a cracknig sound...

for the filter, if u do frequent water changes u can get a canister under 50 bucks. the freshwater fish distributor near T95 have some models.. but i would reco u get a more powerful one range from 60 - 75 (off course there are more expensive on if u have the cash to spare ) . filtration is something i think u should not save on ;)

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Algae! no way, it is plant like and it closed in the night and opens up when you switch on the lights. I also have mushroom brown in color. They are all very small lah.

This morning got snail also. There are also this transparent thing where if you move your finger they quickly closed and hide into the rock!

Hope I am not imagining things :erm:

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there's somthing called 'MACROALGAE' they are predominantly higher(vascular) flowering plants . Seaweeds are macroalgae too , their 'leaves' are basically long string of simple cells similar to single celed algae

because they are invertebrates that incoperate photosynthesizing organisms in their tissues .

they need intense light if not they will die and foul the tank

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