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My 2ft Tank


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  • SRC Member

nice but correct me if im wrong,u mentioned its ur second time n ur first failed?

may i know what happen the first time? n a week of cycling u hv already put LS? a YT in a 1wk old 2ft u said? forgive me,im not trying to be rude but i think u are following the same footpath as ur first setup,or please proof me wrong. please do more research n lets ur hobby serve u better,not either wise :huh:

p.s im trying to be helpful using my own words n if this feel disturbing,please forgive me.


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  • SRC Member
nice but correct me if im wrong,u mentioned its ur second time n ur first failed?

may i know what happen the first time? n a week of cycling u hv already put LS? a YT in a 1wk old 2ft u said? forgive me,im not trying to be rude but i think u are following the same footpath as ur first setup,or please proof me wrong. please do more research n lets ur hobby serve u better,not either wise :huh:

p.s im trying to be helpful using my own words n if this feel disturbing,please forgive me.


agree too..... u may wanna watch ur ammonia / nitrate level...

Its usually peak at 6-8 week (if my memory nvr fails).....

stock up slowky and research more ;)


Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


(Only when you guard your lips, you guard your soul....)

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  • SRC Member

After all that is done, cannot undo right? Just keep a watchful eye lor. Practice very disciplined water parameter checks and see how it goes?


The Deep Blue Sea in my HDB



The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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