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pipe fish


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  • SRC Member

hi reefers?

any one keeping pipefishes??

find them kinda cute but know that they are advised not to be kept together with other aggressive LS..

their natural is more or less like a seahorse , right??

anyone cares to explain how to take care of them??

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  • SRC Member

generally docile, may be kept with seahorses and larger shrimps. however, 2 males of the same species cannot be kept together as they will fight until one die(?). will look for live pods to eat and also frozen mysis. Feeding time is an enjoyable moment when u see the tiny bugger pecking on the mysis.

Pipefishes do sleep, and sometjimes vertically or upside down.. Yes, it's not advisable to keep with other fishes otherwise it will jus hide in the rocks and not get any food and die..

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I keep 1 pair of blue striped and 2 janns pipes together with wrasses, tangs and angels. they are doing fine and does eat together with the other fishes.

but it is best you ensure they are feeding on frozen before releasing into the main tank. and also provide caves for them to sleep at the underside of the caves.

try to get the rather hardy type of pipe fishes like blue striped and janns... for the rest of the variants I would suggest keeping in a species-specific tank instead.

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From my experience, the red banded pipefish are more daring but new fish hard to survive with residence longnose hawkfish.

My longnoses are fond of sweeping in to bite and drag them for a distance before releasing. They will take this action on any fish that can be hold by their mouth!

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