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wow bro nice tankie u got there!!!

btw phoenix 14k is a bulb that can be used without any supplementation... i guess by adding more u can get more blue. else u can consider a bulb more whitish like a 10k?

thanks for ur compliment bro, it's still quite ermm... messy actually. haha.

im actually modifying the 'look' almost on a daily basis! haha.

Am in the midst of posting this weekend's minor touch-up actually.


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Managed to take some slightly better pix today... so thought i'll 'clock some posts'... haha.

Did some minor touch-ups, so just post to document the change. (mainly shrooms and zoas) plus a couple of my recent purchase.

Black sun (with green head, but the polyps are still black)


preparing to be fed. (still trying to train it).

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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A rock of green + metallic orange/red mushies... quite a few of them... am thinking of fragging the orange/red ones to exchange.

lemon bro, see when you free, when i collect the blue one from you, i can pass you a few polyps of these? (take it as swop lah, not very nice to take foc from you) - but must wait for me to chisel this rock k?


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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maneater + a couple of 'black-face'?? + 'gold face'??

The number of blackies are growing...

But the goldies are still the same... 2polyps.

Will be very difficult to frag these are they are part of the maneaters.


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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I see you have a nice little bunch of pink zoas just beside the main colony on the left. If you plan to frag those, let me know? :eyebrow:

Getting a pro-colour should be nice... ^_^

ur eyes very sharp. yes, that's probably the only other possible frag for the pink zoas... estimated about 12 polyps.

(but it's a little difficult to frag currently, coz the rock is very hard, need to chisel it off).

Thing is, i never really frag zoas for sale before... dunno the market price leh.

Better to 'exchange' for other rare zoas... you think?

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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ur eyes very sharp. yes, that's probably the only other possible frag for the pink zoas... estimated about 12 polyps.

(but it's a little difficult to frag currently, coz the rock is very hard, need to chisel it off).

Thing is, i never really frag zoas for sale before... dunno the market price leh.

Better to 'exchange' for other rare zoas... you think?

Hi Wilson

Let me know if you ever decide to frag yor zoas too..

I'm sure you get good price for these beauties..

Hey Lemon... I can spare u 2 polyps of red mushroom. If you want, I'll try to dislodge them..

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Hi Wilson

Let me know if you ever decide to frag yor zoas too..

I'm sure you get good price for these beauties..

Hey Lemon... I can spare u 2 polyps of red mushroom. If you want, I'll try to dislodge them..

im very glad the pinkies already got a small market.

Will try to frag it once the zoas stabilises.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • Senior Reefer

thanks chamty :) all nice frags welcomed in my tank XD of coz i feel bad getting it for free. will try to giv u some blue mush too. reserved by wilson and pauline liao. but i see if i can squeeze some for u >.>

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thanks chamty :) all nice frags welcomed in my tank XD of coz i feel bad getting it for free. will try to giv u some blue mush too. reserved by wilson and pauline liao. but i see if i can squeeze some for u >.>

No need lah..thanks. I have blue ones liao..

I'll PM u once they r ready for collection.

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  • Senior Reefer

hey BTW wilson, i dipped my dying blue zoos in furan for 1 hour today. amazingly, most of them opened up! if earlier i knew, i should have done this liao! but abit too late, the zoos have suffered quite alot of damage prior to the furan. if earlier know, can still salvage. if u wanna collect the remaining frag of blue zoos, u can come anytime just giv me a notice first. getting zoos to survive in my tank is like getting hitlar to kiss a jew -_-

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picture lehz??? or you wanna wait till tmr?? lol...

i only just managed to put the stuff into the tank.

pix coming soon... all taken immediately after placing into the tank...

Damn i must say the open brain is purchase of the day! super value for $$$$$.

wait 5 mins... downloading to PC now.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • Senior Reefer

i wanna get more open brains also ): like, dam nice lah lol. the ones from you know where were very ex...and i tot that was the benchmark price. till i went to another LFS and saw it for like, 1/4 of the price and i was shocked. immediately bought one.

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Very very glad with today's shopping... like to share with you guys... (some quite common stuff... some that brings a smile to my face)

Frogspawn... after the death of the True Octo, which i paid like HECK-A-LOT-OF-MONEY for, confidence level dropped tremedously... decided to try something less expensive, but still with a good florescent glow..


Satisfaction rating: ***

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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