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Mongerman's guide to training your mandarin to eat frozen

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As I recieved a few queries as to how I trained 2 mandarins to eat frozen bloodworms, I thought I'd share my exp here. Hopefully this will reduce the number of mandarins starving to death in tanks with insufficient pods. The original idea was not mine, I got the gist of it from another forum.

1. Buy the biggest, healthiest mandarin you can find. Ensure its not caught using cynanide. I got mine from aquamarin (trap caught).

2. Get a large net/basket to isolate your mandarin. I used a net.

3. Give the mandarin 2-3 days to get comfortable in your tank.

4. Buy tubifex or bloodworms from freshwater LFS.

5. Feed your mandarin the liveliest worms. With any luck, your mandarin will be hungry and attracted to the movement of the worms.

6. Feed twice daily, with live worms, for 2-3 days.

7. On third day, mix in frozen blood worm, gradually increasing live to dead worm ratio till all you're feeding is enriched frozen blood worms.

8. Voila! Once your mandarin recognizes the worms as food, should have no problem in getting him/her to eat.

9. For those bros with lively tank mates which might compete with mandarin for food, google 'melev reef mandarin diner'. I'm feeding my mandarin using his idea

And thats all folks

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